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Re: [Chicken-users] Incremental compiling

From: William Ramsay
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] Incremental compiling
Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2009 16:36:29 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080914)

That did the trick.   I now have a Makefile that compiles a Chicken program

Thanks a million to Felix and John. I'm always amazed that there is anyone out there willing to help. I guess what I have to do now is answer questions that I know the answer to. And, believe it or not, that answer list is growing.


John Cowan wrote:
William Ramsay scripsit:

It again compiles all the units correctly, but global constants are not recognized.

Right: that's because global constants are not exposed in the compiler's
output.  So define them all in one short file and (include ...) that file
into each unit.

Likewise, do I need to declare utility modules for procedures that
are in modA but are called from modB?

No, that should not be necessary.

This is probably all in a manual somewhere, but reading manuals are
for wimps.  Trial and error has always worked in the past...

The gods do *not* protect fools.  They are protected by greater fools.

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