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Re: [Chicken-users] OpenSSL egg option defaults poll

From: Thomas Chust
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] OpenSSL egg option defaults poll
Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 19:58:22 +0100 (CET)
User-agent: Alpine 2.03 (LNX 1266 2009-07-14)

On Thu, 16 Oct 2014, Thomas Chust wrote:

So I would like to poll for opinions from people on this list concerning this situation. Do you think the default options in the OpenSSL egg should be "hardened"? Do you think more options should be introduced? Is compatibility with the rest of the internet a concern at all? ;-)


judging by the responses you wrote, there seems to be an interest in more secure defaults indeed.

I looked over the OpenSSL egg API again to see how it could be improved with better default options and figured that some additional constructor parameters would be useful but there were already too many optional parameters in my opinion.

Therefore I took another route: The existing procedures keep their current defaults, but there is a new set of object constructors that uses only keyword arguments and configures things in a more secure way by default.

The latest SVN trunk of the OpenSSL egg includes the following additions:

  [parameter] ssl-default-certificate-authority-directory

    Holds the default directory with acceptable certificate authorities.

  [procedure] (ssl-make-client-context* #!key
    ((protocol <symbol>) 'tls) ((cipher-list <string|list>) "HIGH")
    ((certificate-authorities <string>) #f)
    ((certificate-authority-directory <string>) #f)
    ((verify? <boolean>) #t))

    Creates a new client context. Defaults to TLS protocol using only
    ciphers marked as strong. Loads the certificate authorities from the
    default directory unless other sources are specified and switches
    server certificate verification on by default.

  [procedure] (ssl-connect* #!key
    (hostname <string>) (port <exact>)
    ((protocol <symbol>) 'tls) ((cipher-list <string|list>) "HIGH")
    ((certificate-authorities <string>) #f)
    ((certificate-authority-directory <string>) #f)
    ((verify? <boolean>) #t))

    Connects to a server using the same defaults as

  [procedure] (ssl-listen* #!key
    (hostname <string>) ((port <exact>) #f) ((backlog <exact>) 4)
    ((protocol <symbol>) 'tls) ((cipher-list <string|list>) "HIGH")
    (certificate <string>) (private-key <string>)
    ((private-key-rsa? <boolean>) #t)
    ((private-key-asn1? <boolean>) #f))
    ((certificate-authorities <string>) #f)
    ((certificate-authority-directory <string>) #f)
    ((verify? <boolean>) #t))

    Creates a listener. Defaults to TLS protocol using only ciphers marked
    as strong. Loads the certificate authorities from the default
    directory unless other sources are specified but doesn't switch client
    certificate verification on by default. Advertises the certificates
    loaded via the certificate-authorities argument to the client.

I'd be glad if some of you could test this out and tell me what you think about it :-)


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