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[Chicken-users] csi and using modules in a different directory

From: arc
Subject: [Chicken-users] csi and using modules in a different directory
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2017 22:08:10 +1300


I'm a bit baffled by this behaviour.

I have a file called amodule.scm:

(module amodule (afunc)
 (import chicken scheme)
 (define (afunc x)
  (* x x)))

I've made an import library using csc -analyze-only -emit-import-library

doing (use amodule) when executing from the containing directory works as expected.

However, from outside, I execute csi -I ./lib

and then this happens:

#;1> (use amodule)
; loading /home/ajt/Projects/Scheme/chicken-include-path-investigation/lib/amodule.import.scm ...
; loading /usr/local/lib/chicken/8/ ...

Error: (require) cannot load extension: amodule

        Call history:

        <syntax>    (##core#undefined)
<syntax> (##sys#register-compiled-module (quote amodule) (list) (quote ((afunc . amodule#afunc))) (list) (lis...
        <syntax>    (quote amodule)
        <syntax>    (##core#quote amodule)
        <syntax>    (list)
        <syntax>    (quote ((afunc . amodule#afunc)))
        <syntax>    (##core#quote ((afunc . amodule#afunc)))
        <syntax>    (list)
        <syntax>    (list)
<eval> (##sys#register-compiled-module (quote amodule) (list) (quote ((afunc . amodule#afunc))) (list) (lis...
        <eval>      (list)
        <eval>      (list)
        <eval>      (list)
        <syntax>    (##core#undefined)
        <syntax>    (##core#undefined)
        <eval>      (##sys#require (quote amodule))       <--

the file looks to be loaded, but the module isn't accessed somehow.

I've tried using the absolute path and also setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

I've also tried loading the file with load-relative and ,l , and the behaviour is similar.

I'm using 4.12.0rc2.



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