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Re: Classpath future?

From: Etienne M. Gagnon
Subject: Re: Classpath future?
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 15:01:18 -0400
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Jeff Sturm wrote:

Like anything else in free software, it'll likely be resolved by patches,
not discussion... the debates are quickly lost and forgotten if not
reinforced by contributed code.

But there's still the problem that patches aren't getting in the CVS tree because of the Copyright assignment issue (some people legitimately don't want to assign Copyright, others are caught up in a slow process).

I have many months ago sent a few patches on this list. These were probably small enough not to require paperwork, but nothing happened. This is not how the Classpath should continue to operate, if it wants to lead the development of these class libraries. A fork of the project could very easily similarly to XEmacs in respect of Emacs (e.g., import all of the official patches into the rogue repository). But this would be most unfortunate. The problem is that it might end up that way if contributions can't get more easily in Classpath! We should really solve the contribution issue, and soon.


| Étienne M. Gagnon                    mailto:address@hidden |
| Professeur adjoint            Téléphone: (514) 987-3000 poste 8215 |
| Bureau: PK-4930                        Télécopieur: (514) 987-8477 |
| Département d'informatique, UQÀM |
| Auteur de SableVM                 |
| et de SableCC                     |
| Etienne M. Gagnon                    mailto:address@hidden |
| Assistant Professor                Phone: (514) 987-3000 ext. 8215 |
| Office: PK-4930                                Fax: (514) 987-8477 |
| Department of Computer Science, UQAM |
| Author of SableVM                 |
| and SableCC                       |

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