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Re: build ideas

From: Andreas Rueckert
Subject: Re: build ideas
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2001 11:05:30 +0200


On Mit, 17 Okt 2001 Brian Jones wrote:
> I'm seeking suggestions or ideas from individuals about how they would
> like to be able to build Classpath.  I guess two cases exist, building
> >from CVS and building from a release.  I'll start the discussion with my
> suggestions but I'm hoping for others and some concensus at the end.
> Like other GNU projects, I would like to continue to use the
> automake/autoconf system for driving the compilation of Classpath.

I'm not sure if I understand all your arguments for this, but I can tell you
that moving from make to Ant was a huge step forward for the ArgoUML project (to
which I'm contributing a bit). I don't think anyone wants to go back to the old
make tools.

> For releases I'd like to continue to distribute compiled .class files
> and generated JNI headers.

If you need libs like GTK, I'd rather like to see a distribution with automatic
dependency checking, like a rpm file (I'm using RedHat Linux) or so.

> I want CVS builds to generate JNI headers
> and .class files relying only on free software.  There exists a need
> within our community to generate .class files without compiling native
> libraries and I'd like that to be easier... it seems to me that to be
> successful this must be faster than 'jikes -d /tmp `find java gnu
> vm/reference -regex ".*\.java$"` or some working equivalent.

I guess jakarta-ant is the answer to this problem...
I thought someone is already working on a build.xml file?


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