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Re: build ideas

From: Nic Ferrier
Subject: Re: build ideas
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2001 13:51:54 +0100

Brian said:
> I want CVS builds to generate JNI headers
> and .class files relying only on free software.  There exists a need
> within our community to generate .class files without compiling native
> libraries and I'd like that to be easier... it seems to me that to be
> successful this must be faster than 'jikes -d /tmp `find java gnu
> vm/reference -regex ".*\.java$"` or some working equivalent.

Andreas said:

>I guess jakarta-ant is the answer to this problem...
>I thought someone is already working on a build.xml file?

Personally, I don't like Ant. It's not *free* software either.

There's not much you can do with Ant that can't be done with Make
(given a little thought).

Ant is also very Java centric, Classpath has a lot of C (and C++ if we
include the GCJ stuff). Make is perfect for those languages.

Brian, would you like to check out the Paperclips and Classpathx make
files? They use the the @filelist convieniance to facilitate better
make control over java projects.

Nic Ferrier

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