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Re: [Denemo-devel] French translation

From: Éloi Rivard
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] French translation
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2012 20:21:21 +0100

I didn't registered yet, but I'm doing it right now.

I helped myself with the Lilypond doc and Wikipedia for musical terms that I didn't know, so maybe there is some inaccuracies.

You are right about "pédale", and I indeed forgot a sentence. But I think "Suppression agressive" stands well for "angry delete", as the literal translation "Suppression en colère" does not sound well in French".

2012/11/15 Richard Shann <address@hidden>
this looks great - one of the most important languages... Have you
registered with the ??? It is *most* important,
since others may start a translation in conflict.

I have only glanced through the first bit, but here are a couple of

"laisser appuyé pendant l'entrée des notes pour les figures. La pédales
"modifie l'harmonie sur la même basse."

La pédale ?? in the singular - only one pedal on the MIDI controller is expected

msgid "Angry Delete"
msgstr "Suppression agressive"
Suppression en cole`re???

This command allows you to correct a previously played note by playing
it much louder, as if you are angry at making the mistake. The name is
somewhat whimsical...

I'll try to find some more time for looking over this. We won't be able
to put it into the release until the thing is
done, as is explained on their website
Thank you very much indeed!


On Thu, 2012-11-15 at 19:35 +0100, Éloi Rivard wrote:
> Hi everyone.
> I translated what I could in french. Perhaps someone should review for
> mistakes ambiguous sentences.
> --
> Éloi Rivard - address@hidden
> « On perd plus à être indécis qu'à se tromper. »
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Éloi Rivard - address@hidden
« On perd plus à être indécis qu'à se tromper. »

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