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Re: Help with gnu radio oscom / hackrf on Windows please.

From: Cinaed Simson
Subject: Re: Help with gnu radio oscom / hackrf on Windows please.
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 2021 02:22:29 -0800
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Hi Edward - I know next to nothing about Windows - but if you're setting the device options for the hackrf as rtl="some an integer" I would be really surprised if that works .

At some point in the distance past, you could set it device number to "0" if you there was only one device - I don't think that works any longer.

Try using a blank for the device option  - or try using the last 8 digits of the serial number, e.g., "12345678" - this always works. T

he hackrf_info will give you the serial number.

I use a blank unless I'm using more then one hackrf on the same machine - then I use serial numbers.

I'm using with the HackRF One and it works fine for me.

Note, gr-osmosdr for 3.7 won't work for with gnuradio 3.8 - and the 3.8 version won't work with 3.7 version.

In general, the OOT module version has to match the gnuradio version.

-- Cinaed

Not, gr-osocom

On 1/6/21 11:55 PM, edward.kenworthy@me.com wrote:

Tried 3.8, too buggy.

So switched to 3.7.13 which works fine with file sources but the osmocom source block doesn't work. Tried setting rtl=0 1 2 and 3 but none work. (hackrf_info finds the hardware - I'm using a hack rf one).

Tried downgrading to 3.7.11 which also doesn't find the hardware but now substitutes a null source - which is a bit irritating so it initially looks like it's working until you notice there's no signal and go check your hardware...



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