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Re: Jamming the WiFi channel

From: Derek Kozel
Subject: Re: Jamming the WiFi channel
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2021 15:52:22 +0000
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Hi Aditya,

This is a good question and one where in the end the person operating the transmitter is responsible for ensuring that they operate legally. Many questions to the mailing list are either explicitly or possibly related to wireless communications systems and GNU Radio gets used frequently for research and work on testing and improving the security of those systems. It is impossible for people answering questions to know for sure that the answers won't be used for illegal acts so largely we must hope and trust that the vast majority of users are doing so legally.

When it is questionable, like this question, I personally try to ask about the application and precautions made to keep the system legal. I'm not capable of knowing all the laws and requirements of all countries or responsible for doing so, but if someone starts talking about RF shield enclosures and/or can link to a company or group with a plausible reason for doing wireless work involving testing jamming or running their own cellular basestation for instance then I feel better answering questions.

GNU Radio and SDRs are tools and it is worth everyone being aware that it is likely used by a very small number of people for illegal acts. People responding to questions do so on their own best judgement and collectively as a community I feel confident that we find a good balance.


On 17/01/2021 15:27, Aditya Arun Kumar wrote:
On a serious note, I know that all of us know how to build a jammer, in case of questions like this how do we deal with it?
I mean I can do both sides, in the spirit of sharing the knowledge I think that someone should tell the person who is doing it on how to build a jammer (in this case) or should we not help the person?
Or should we condemn these acts?

On Sun, Jan 17, 2021 at 10:15 AM Doug McGarrett <dmcgarrett@optonline.net> wrote:

On 1/16/21 10:58 PM, paullescot@mailo.com wrote:
>       Mailo   *1 fichier disponible au téléchargement*       
>   * hackrf2.png (35 Ko)
> Vous pouvez télécharger ce fichier en cliquant sur ce lien ou en le
> copiant dans la barre d'adresse de votre navigateur
> <https://www.mailo.com/attachlinks.php?id=MTg2NDQuPGVhLW1pbWUtNjAwM2I1Y2ItMTRjNS0yN2Q0OGNlZUB3d3ctMS5tYWlsby5jb20%2b>
> https://www.mailo.com/attachlinks.php?id=MTg2NDQuPGVhLW1pbWUtNjAwM2I1Y2ItMTRjNS0yN2Q0OGNlZUB3d3ctMS5tYWlsby5jb20%2b
> Ce lien restera valable pendant 30 jours.
> Hello, I have build a VCO jammer using gnuradio and I would like to
> emit the jamming signal on a Wi-Fi channel but nothing is being emitted.
> Can anyone please help me ?
> I am newbie to signal processing.
> PL
Probably even in France it is illegal to jam radio signals. I sure hope
that NOBODY helps you!

S. Aditya Arun Kumar
Security Researcher, Comms

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