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Re: [Dolibarr-dev] Problème mise à jour CVS suite

From: Vaisonet
Subject: Re: [Dolibarr-dev] Problème mise à jour CVS suite
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2007 10:18:39 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20071031)

Effectivement deux sous catégories portaient le même libellé.


Eldy a écrit :
Ces requetes ont pour objet de supprimer les doublons sur le couple (libellé,type) des catégories.

Essaie de repérer ces doublons en visuel et de modifier les libellés pour qu'il n'y en ait plus.
Ensuite relance le script d'install.

Vaisonet a écrit :
Re bonjour,

J'obtiens les erreurs suivantes avec une mise à jour CVS :

Erreur DB_ERROR_CHILD_EXISTS: delete c from llx_categorie as c where c.rowid in (select distinct c2.rowid from tmp_categorie1 as c2, tmp_categorie2 as cc2 where c2.rowid != cc2.rowid and c2.type = cc2.type and c2.label = cc2.label) and c.rowid not in (select min(c3.rowid) from tmp_categorie1 as c3, tmp_categorie2 as cc3 where c3.rowid != cc3.rowid and c3.type = cc3.type and c3.label = cc3.label group by c3.label,c3.type); Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`dolibarrcvs/llx_categorie_association`, CONSTRAINT `fk_categorie_asso_fk_categorie_fille` FOREIGN KEY (`fk_categorie_fille`) REFERENCES `llx_categorie` (`rowid`))

Erreur DB_ERROR_CHILD_EXISTS: delete c from llx_categorie as c where c.rowid in (select distinct c2.rowid from tmp_categorie1 as c2, tmp_categorie2 as cc2 where c2.rowid != cc2.rowid and c2.type = cc2.type and c2.label = cc2.label) and c.rowid not in (select min(c3.rowid) from tmp_categorie1 as c3, tmp_categorie2 as cc3 where c3.rowid != cc3.rowid and c3.type = cc3.type and c3.label = cc3.label group by c3.label,c3.type); Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`dolibarrcvs/llx_categorie_association`, CONSTRAINT `fk_categorie_asso_fk_categorie_fille` FOREIGN KEY (`fk_categorie_fille`) REFERENCES `llx_categorie` (`rowid`))


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