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[Dolibarr-dev] Problème mise à jour CVS suit e

From: Vaisonet
Subject: [Dolibarr-dev] Problème mise à jour CVS suit e
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2007 18:15:53 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20071031)

Re bonjour,

J'obtiens les erreurs suivantes avec une mise à jour CVS :

Erreur DB_ERROR_CHILD_EXISTS: delete c from llx_categorie as c where c.rowid in (select distinct c2.rowid from tmp_categorie1 as c2, tmp_categorie2 as cc2 where c2.rowid != cc2.rowid and c2.type = cc2.type and c2.label = cc2.label) and c.rowid not in (select min(c3.rowid) from tmp_categorie1 as c3, tmp_categorie2 as cc3 where c3.rowid != cc3.rowid and c3.type = cc3.type and c3.label = cc3.label group by c3.label,c3.type); Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`dolibarrcvs/llx_categorie_association`, CONSTRAINT `fk_categorie_asso_fk_categorie_fille` FOREIGN KEY (`fk_categorie_fille`) REFERENCES `llx_categorie` (`rowid`))

Erreur DB_ERROR_CHILD_EXISTS: delete c from llx_categorie as c where c.rowid in (select distinct c2.rowid from tmp_categorie1 as c2, tmp_categorie2 as cc2 where c2.rowid != cc2.rowid and c2.type = cc2.type and c2.label = cc2.label) and c.rowid not in (select min(c3.rowid) from tmp_categorie1 as c3, tmp_categorie2 as cc3 where c3.rowid != cc3.rowid and c3.type = cc3.type and c3.label = cc3.label group by c3.label,c3.type); Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`dolibarrcvs/llx_categorie_association`, CONSTRAINT `fk_categorie_asso_fk_categorie_fille` FOREIGN KEY (`fk_categorie_fille`) REFERENCES `llx_categorie` (`rowid`))


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