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Re: [Dolibarr-dev] Hooks for ordercard

From: Laurent Destailleur (eldy)
Subject: Re: [Dolibarr-dev] Hooks for ordercard
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2012 00:25:48 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:13.0) Gecko/20120615 Thunderbird/13.0.1

You should receive into the key context of the array $parameters the list of context you are inside. So you should have "ordercard" inside this array.
If not, can you check you use version 3.2 (may be this as fixed with 3.2) ?

Le 14/07/2012 23:27, Manuel Muñoz a écrit :
Dear Developevelopment and coding <address@hidden>

i'm trying to implement a hook for the ordercard context overloading "formObjectOptions" function

this is the print_f for the $parameters object
array ( [colspan] => colspan="2" [context] => searchform:leftblock:toprightmenu:ordercard ).

the question is: how can i validate that the context es actually "ordercard"? what type of data i the element context in this case?

already tried with ststr and substr function, but i don't seem to get a match.

Thanks in advance for all your comments

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