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Re: [DotGNU]Re: Support Java for .GNU

From: Martin Coxall
Subject: Re: [DotGNU]Re: Support Java for .GNU
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 11:26:24 +0100

> Aren't you aware of the Free Software implementations of Java?
> (They're not as powerful as Sun's proprietary implementation,
> but quite usable.)

I am, but simply because you release the code under the GPL does not absolve 
you from compliance with Sun's stringent (and proprietary) licensing terms, 
and the use of a closed, proprietary language. I feel we have no choice to 
avoid Java entirely, or suffer the pollutement of our system architecture 
with legal hassle from overactive Sun lawyers who see us threatining their 
revenue stream. This will happen if we use Java as a core, it is only a 
matter of time/

> > help out Mono instead...
> Actually there's a problem in this area.  Mono's C# compiler is
> written in C#.  So you need another C# compiler to bootstrap it.
> How to do this without using Microsoft's C# compiler?

Well, there is Portable.NET's attempts to write a GCC frontend, of course. C# 
is an ideal language in which to write c# compilers, however, because of the 
nature of the System.reflection.emit() API. What we need is a GNU/Linux 
JITter for Mono (written in C). Ximian has work on that well underway. If we 
helped them, we could have it down in a month or two...


"Where laughing and smiling are not allowed"

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