Jeremy Petzold wrote:
well, the only web server that works across multiple
platforms, period AFAIK, is apache. I am quite
satisfied with apache and their licence as to not want
to create a new wbserver just to have a GPL'd one.
also, the only web browser that is cross platform
AFAIK is Mozilla, and again, I am quite happy with its
licence to not build one from ground up or port Konq
(which may be possable).
what do you all think?
The only thing I can say is that the FSF is not entirely happy with the
Apache License. As I have mentioned to Brad, I dont have any personal
problem with it... but since we are working under the GNU umbrella, I
think we need to avoid building our code to be tied to Apache. Meaning
not building Apache modules, and instead having our code run as cgi
If we want to build an apache module I think we should check with reps
from the FSF about thier opinion on that.
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