> Can you try and make it more
> concrete with an example?
;; The user will specify concept / abstract commands -> key sequences
(setq-custom concept-sequences '((user-next ?\M-n) (user-prev ?\M-p)))
;; The package will specify concepts / abstract commands -> concrete commands
;; So, something like a magit section mode intended to be derived from, the package author writes:
(setq-local concept-commands '((user-next #'magit-section-next) (user-prev #'magit-section-prev)))
;; And then the package tells the implementation to consume the declarations, which might occur after the mode hook to let the user intervene
`emacs-function-setup-concept-keymap' would be an implementation that ties the user's declaration of sequence -> concept mappings together with the package's concept -> command mappings. The result is that the local map should contain some command remap shadows corresponding to what the user and the package declared.
I neglected overloading in my example, but basically a user might be okay with several concepts being able to map to one key and the package might be okay with mapping the same command to one of several concepts.
IMO these declarations one-to-many declarations should only be used with two specific conventions:
- Package authors specify a list of increasingly more generic concepts, ending with `user-generic' which would just mean "any key that the user has bestowed upon packages by default.". An example of more abstract definitions would be a declaration like (#'magit-section-next (user-next user-navigation)). The implementation could try to map to user-next and if that's not available, use an available sequence from user-navigation.
- The user's convention for one-to-many mappings is different. They might want to map a generic concept onto several key sequences in order, so they might declare something like '(user-navigation (?\M-p ?\M-n ?\M-f ?\M-b)). If a package declares a user-next, user-prev, and two more user-navigation commands, the implementation will give them all keymap elements.
> I get the impression that your
> SOME-INFO includes info for several commands.
Yes. The reason commands should not handle this declaration is because the
implementation would have to discover the commands, and this would be
fragile if the user starts replacing commands or wants to specify
commands that the package has no idea about.
I'm also preoccupied with automating the user-driven re-mapping of commands to key sequences when those commands express an extremely similar idea, such as "next". I see this as a prerequisite for what I think you want. I don't think I agree with what I think you want, and this could be messing with my interpretation, but it is a prerequisite still.
We have lots of convention, lots of similarity in mode keymaps, but we it's ad-hoc, and we just need to make it official so that the conventions are useful and user's can change one declaration to move, for example, C-g.
> It should likely
> include also some notion of scope (global, buffer-local, local to
> a region, specific to some particular set of major mode, only
> meaningful when the region is active, ...)
The purpose of an abstract key mapping scheme is to allow the user to coherently move a binding whenever that binding expresses the same idea in several modes. Complex, highly configurable declarations would actually make the situation worse, requiring more user effort to accomplish the move. There are already tools available for handling 1:1 edge cases, one declaration at a time. Many commands that need such configurability tweak their behavior based on the call context or some state. We don't need new infrastructure for specifying a large number of edge cases. Such schemes become baked into modal systems like Evil.
> Emacs passes that to a "procedural keymap" which will
> *compute* (rather than lookup) which command to run, according to the
> current keybinding style.
This kind of dynamic dispatch is not actually necessary because commands already can decide to do something differently. A command can wrap several commands. Commands can react to variables. Commands can inspect their context. The big reason we want this dynamic dispatch style behavior encoded into commands themselves is because it plays well with the notion of mapping commands and sequences. Where-is doesn't work well with dynamic maps like transient. Users can't declare keys succinctly if they are supposed to make their declarations aware of state that the commands should instead know in their body. An implementation for generating the concrete bindings would be much more complex if it had to know about information that should be internal to the command.
Package authors can always create the most power for users by having a good data model and good functions with which users can construct their own commands. No matter how dynamic dispatch declarations are done, they are going to be harder to understand and implement than simply re-writing new command bodies. Even writing schemes for evil, which only has to support one implementation, makes some gnarly looking declarations.
The temptation to add power will harm the poor user with the humble goal to coherently move C-n to M-n in modes where it makes obvious sense because their pinky hurts.