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Re: Please, Restore Previous Behavior for jump-to-register

From: Alfred M. Szmidt
Subject: Re: Please, Restore Previous Behavior for jump-to-register
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2023 15:30:23 -0500

   > Also, when this ships and surprizes users, how  do we expect those
   > users to discover this use-preview knob; even if I found that knob,
   > I'd never guess that it waas the means of getting rid of the newly
   > introduced friction, ie need to press the enter key.

   Yes, exactly.  Though users are sort of expected to read "Incompatible
   changes" sections of NEWS, not all do and it is easy to misunderstand
   the real relevance of each section.  

It is very easy to miss, since it is under incompatible _Lisp_ changes
making one think it only matters if you're touching Lisp code.  If
anything, this should be under "Changes in Emacs", with a big blurb of
what happens, and how to restore the existing behaviour to exactly how
it was before.

   Anyway, I sometimes toy with the idea of proposing doing this much
   more conservative remapping by default.

      (global-set-key [remap just-one-space] 'cycle-spacing)

   But even this would probably set off alarms in someone's

Don't we have eough hornets ... but that one seems nice since it
doesn't break the "normal" case?

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