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Re: Please, Restore Previous Behavior for jump-to-register

From: T.V Raman
Subject: Re: Please, Restore Previous Behavior for jump-to-register
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2023 16:54:34 -0800

thinking through this again, let's view the  picture:

1. Register preview requires users to hit an additional enter key.
   2. people who work by muscle memory find that extra key introduces

      Conjecture to be verified --

      People who look at the preview -- even if they just glance at it
      -- are not the ones who work by muscle memory --- AKA  if you
      are used to hitting C-x r s a and continuing, you likely will
      not see the preview.


João Távora writes:
 > On Sun, Dec 10, 2023 at 7:44 PM T.V Raman <raman@google.com> wrote:
 > >
 > >
 > > Also, when this ships and surprizes users, how  do we expect those
 > > users to discover this use-preview knob; even if I found that knob,
 > > I'd never guess that it waas the means of getting rid of the newly
 > > introduced friction, ie need to press the enter key.
 > Yes, exactly.  Though users are sort of expected to read "Incompatible
 > changes" sections of NEWS, not all do and it is easy to misunderstand
 > the real relevance of each section.  In this case, the impact is
 > pretty big, though personally I'm still trying to incorporate this
 > feature (I know, I've been missing out) and I could probably rewire my
 > brain more easily than others.
 > Anyway, I sometimes toy with the idea of proposing doing this much
 > more conservative remapping by default.
 >    (global-set-key [remap just-one-space] 'cycle-spacing)
 > But even this would probably set off alarms in someone's
 > workflow.


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