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Re: Adding a generic mathematical library

From: Emanuel Berg
Subject: Re: Adding a generic mathematical library
Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2024 14:46:11 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Made it a little more easy to see.

Ah, I think the only straight thing is find a textbook from
the bookshelf or get one on the black market and see what
stuff they focus on. And then think if we do the same or think
differently case-by-case.

With these building blocks you can do a lot and we have a lot
already in core Emacs already and in ELPA for that matter.

Right, people, send me e-mails if this isn't a good place to
discuss this back and forth :)


(+ &rest numbers)
(- &rest numbers)
(* &rest numbers)
(/ number &rest divisors)
(% x y)
(mod x y)
(1+ number)
(1- number)


(= number &rest numbers)
(eql obj1 obj2)
(/= num1 num2)
(< number &rest numbers)
(<= number &rest numbers)
(> number &rest numbers)
(>= number &rest numbers)
(zerop number)
(natnump object)
(cl-plusp number)
(cl-minusp number)
(cl-oddp integer)
(cl-evenp integer)
(bignump object)
(fixnump object)
(floatp object)
(integerp object)
(numberp object)
(cl-digit-char-p char &optional radix)


(max number &rest numbers)
(min number &rest numbers)
(abs arg)
(float arg)
(truncate arg &optional divisor)
(floor arg &optional divisor)
(ceiling arg &optional divisor)
(round arg &optional divisor)
(random &optional limit)

Bit Operations

(ash value count)
(logand &rest ints-or-markers)
(logior &rest ints-or-markers)
(logxor &rest ints-or-markers)
(lognot number)
(logcount value)

Floating Point

(isnan x)
(frexp x)
(ldexp sgnfcand exponent)
(logb arg)
(ffloor arg)
(fceiling arg)
(ftruncate arg)
(fround arg)

Standard Math Functions

(sin arg)
(cos arg)
(tan arg)
(asin arg)
(acos arg)
(atan y &optional x)
(exp arg)
(log arg &optional base)
(expt arg1 arg2)
(sqrt arg)

underground experts united

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