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Re: Adding a generic mathematical library

From: Emanuel Berg
Subject: Re: Adding a generic mathematical library
Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2024 02:24:42 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Christopher Dimech wrote:

> An indexing task should never be a problem to the seasoned
> developer. If they find it a nightmare, there is something
> missing with the developer.
> Indexing in an everyday task in scientific programming.
> One just has to focus and think about what one is doing
> a little bit.

Without getting into the details, part of the idea with
a library is you don't have to be a seasoned, scientific or
focused developer - you just have to know the function name
and how to use it.

But actually this is as beneficial to anyone. _Everyone_ wants
libraries when programming, it doesn't matter what skill
level, experience etc you have.

"Sure, we don't have it, but one can solve it in just a few
lines of Elisp" - this is badness 010.

underground experts united

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