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[elpa] externals/eglot 59ba0b1 39/69: New README section on how to best
From: |
Jo�o T�vora |
Subject: |
[elpa] externals/eglot 59ba0b1 39/69: New README section on how to best report bugs to Eglot |
Date: |
Sun, 20 Oct 2019 08:21:49 -0400 (EDT) |
branch: externals/eglot
commit 59ba0b133d75f9f0ec14ed3e244efee0df76a482
Author: João Távora <address@hidden>
Commit: João Távora <address@hidden>
New README section on how to best report bugs to Eglot
* README.md (Reporting bugs): New section
README.md | 38 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 38 insertions(+)
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 8a74d88..0987c40 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -101,6 +101,44 @@ it be started as a server. Notice the `:autoport` symbol
in there: it
is replaced dynamically by a local port believed to be vacant, so that
the ensuing TCP connection finds a listening server.
+<a name="reporting bugs"></a>
+# Reporting bugs
+Having trouble connecting to a server? Expected to have a certain
+capability supported by it (e.g. completion) but nothing happens? Or
+do you get spurious and annoying errors in an otherwise smooth
+operation? We may have help, so open a [new
+issue](https://github.com/joaotavora/eglot/issues) and try to be as
+precise and objective about the problem as you can:
+1. Try to replicate the problem with **as clean an Emacs run as
+ possible**. This means an empty `.emacs` init file or close to it
+ (just loading `eglot.el`, `company.el` and `yasnippet.el` for
+ example, and you don't even need `use-package.el` to do that).
+2. Include the log of **LSP events** and the **stderr output** of the
+ server (if any). You can find the former with `M-x
+ eglot-events-buffer` and the latter with `M-x eglot-stderr-buffer`.
+ You run these commands in the buffer where you enabled Eglot, but
+ if you didn't manage to enable Eglot at all (because of some
+ bootstrapping problem), you can still find these buffers in your
+ buffer list: they're named like `*EGLOT <project>/<major-mode>
+ events*` and `*EGLOT <project>/<major-mode> stderr*`.
+3. If Emacs errored (you saw -- and possibly heard -- an error
+ message), make sure you repeat the process using `M-x
+ toggle-debug-on-error` so you **get a backtrace** of the error that
+ you should also attach to the bug report.
+Some more notes: it's understandable that you report it to Eglot
+first, because that's the user-facing side of the LSP experience in
+Emacs, but the outcome may well be that you will have to report the
+problem to the server's developers, as is often the case. But the
+problem can very well be on Eglot's side, of course, and in that case
+we want to fix it! Also bear in mind that Eglot's developers have
+limited resources and no way to test all the possible server
+combinations, so you'll have to do most of the testing.
<a name="commands"></a>
# Commands and keybindings
- [elpa] externals/eglot 8d0c8de 05/69: Add NEWS.md file and rework README.md, (continued)
- [elpa] externals/eglot 8d0c8de 05/69: Add NEWS.md file and rework README.md, Jo�o T�vora, 2019/10/20
- [elpa] externals/eglot b4f3028 18/69: Fix #223: use a less buggy Flymake, Jo�o T�vora, 2019/10/20
- [elpa] externals/eglot 6c884c4 24/69: Fix #263: fix case when eglot-put-doc-in-help-buffer is nil, Jo�o T�vora, 2019/10/20
- [elpa] externals/eglot e28b396 25/69: Fix #259: work around a bug in Emacs's change detection, Jo�o T�vora, 2019/10/20
- [elpa] externals/eglot 2372bc8 30/69: Fixed extra ) in python example snippet (#287), Jo�o T�vora, 2019/10/20
- [elpa] externals/eglot 6d87de1 35/69: Treat null/nil server capabilities as false, Jo�o T�vora, 2019/10/20
- [elpa] externals/eglot 7f31f29 36/69: Use gopls server as the default for Go (#304), Jo�o T�vora, 2019/10/20
- [elpa] externals/eglot 4548202 28/69: Simplify eldoc usage (#269), Jo�o T�vora, 2019/10/20
- [elpa] externals/eglot 36b7cf32 38/69: Fix #272: also use signature label offsets for parameter info, Jo�o T�vora, 2019/10/20
- [elpa] externals/eglot 059ea59 43/69: Optionally shutdown after killing last buffer of managed project (#309), Jo�o T�vora, 2019/10/20
- [elpa] externals/eglot 59ba0b1 39/69: New README section on how to best report bugs to Eglot,
Jo�o T�vora <=
- [elpa] externals/eglot ce983d1 47/69: Revert "Treat null/nil server capabilities as false", Jo�o T�vora, 2019/10/20
- [elpa] externals/eglot 4693abf 50/69: Fix #258: Allow user to set idle time to wait before processing changes, Jo�o T�vora, 2019/10/20
- [elpa] externals/eglot 14ab804 54/69: Fix #318: unbreak xref-find-definitions, Jo�o T�vora, 2019/10/20
- [elpa] externals/eglot dbb5dd4 57/69: Slightly more robust completion tests, Jo�o T�vora, 2019/10/20
- [elpa] externals/eglot 3604173 64/69: Unbreak eglot--setq-saving if symbol is unbound, Jo�o T�vora, 2019/10/20
- [elpa] externals/eglot a11a41b 63/69: Use of company-capf backend in eglot-managed buffers, Jo�o T�vora, 2019/10/20
- [elpa] externals/eglot 6e93622 27/69: Fix #273: leniently handle invalid positions sent by some servers, Jo�o T�vora, 2019/10/20
- [elpa] externals/eglot 254fee0 46/69: Use more pyls and less rls in tests, Jo�o T�vora, 2019/10/20
- [elpa] externals/eglot 0e5e08d 51/69: Support goto-{declaration, implementation, typeDefinition}, Jo�o T�vora, 2019/10/20
- [elpa] externals/eglot 5a21670 59/69: Fix bug in workspace/didChangeWatchedfiles, Jo�o T�vora, 2019/10/20