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[elpa] externals/org-remark 1b0531038b 1/4: refactor: revert the functio

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/org-remark 1b0531038b 1/4: refactor: revert the function signature of mark (remove TEXT arg)
Date: Sun, 25 Dec 2022 12:57:55 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/org-remark
commit 1b0531038b813cc7f63f192b9a980033b97dd614
Author: Noboru Ota <me@nobiot.com>
Commit: Noboru Ota <me@nobiot.com>

    refactor: revert the function signature of mark (remove TEXT arg)
    Prefer keeping the key function's signature unchanged.
 README.org    | 36 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 org-remark.el | 85 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 2 files changed, 96 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
index 75d6efd284..281be01ff9 100644
--- a/README.org
+++ b/README.org
@@ -110,3 +110,39 @@ This section is created by Org-remark for the source file. 
It serves as an examp
 ** defmacro org-remark-create
 This macro was inspired by 
[[https://github.com/jkitchin/ov-highlight][Ov-highlight]].  It's by John 
Kitchin (author of Org-ref). Great UX for markers with hydra. Saves the marker 
info and comments directly within the Org file as Base64 encoded string. It 
uses overlays with using ~ov~ package.
+* org-remark
+:org-remark-file: org-remark.el
+** org-remark-notes-send-data
+:org-remark-beg: 39511
+:org-remark-end: 39537
+:org-remark-id: 4de1f10c
+:org-remark-label: nil
+:org-remark-link: [[file:org-remark.el::984]]
+:org-remark-note-body: [empty entry]
+** org-remark-highlights-load
+:org-remark-beg: 39628
+:org-remark-end: 39654
+:org-remark-id: bf05b18c
+:org-remark-label: nil
+:org-remark-link: [[file:org-remark.el::988]]
+:org-remark-note-body: [empty entry]
+** goto
+:org-remark-beg: 33838
+:org-remark-end: 33842
+:org-remark-id: 184667c4
+:org-remark-label: nil
+:org-remark-link: [[file:org-remark.el::852]]
+:org-remark-note-body: This is no longer empty.
+This is no longer empty.
diff --git a/org-remark.el b/org-remark.el
index 9c2928ba4f..df77c782b4 100644
--- a/org-remark.el
+++ b/org-remark.el
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 ;; URL: https://github.com/nobiot/org-remark
 ;; Version: 1.0.5
 ;; Created: 22 December 2020
-;; Last modified: 24 December 2022
+;; Last modified: 25 December 2022
 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "27.1") (org "9.4"))
 ;; Keywords: org-mode, annotation, note-taking, marginal-notes, wp,
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ property names with \"org-remark-\" or use \"CATEGORY\"."
        ;; Define custom pen function
        (defun ,(intern (format "org-remark-mark-%s" label))
-           (beg end &optional id mode text)
+           (beg end &optional id mode)
          ,(format "Apply the following face to the region selected by BEG and 
@@ -190,10 +190,7 @@ When the pen itself defines the help-echo property, it 
will have
 the priority over the excerpt of the marginal notes."
                   (or face "`org-remark-highlighter'") properties)
          (interactive (org-remark-region-or-word))
-         (let ((properties ,properties))
-           (unless (member 'help-echo properties)
-             (setq properties (append properties (list 'help-echo text))))
-           (org-remark-highlight-mark beg end id mode ,label ,face 
+         (org-remark-highlight-mark beg end id mode ,label ,face ,properties))
        ;; Register to `org-remark-available-pens'
        (add-to-list 'org-remark-available-pens
@@ -344,7 +341,7 @@ recommended to turn it on as part of Emacs initialization.
 (add-to-list 'org-remark-available-pens #'org-remark-mark)
-(defun org-remark-mark (beg end &optional id mode text)
+(defun org-remark-mark (beg end &optional id text mode)
   "Apply face `org-remark-highlighter' to the region between BEG and END.
 When this function is used interactively, it will generate a new
@@ -534,12 +531,11 @@ from."
               (id (overlay-get ov 'org-remark-id))
               (beg (overlay-start ov))
               (end (overlay-end ov)))
-    (let* ((text (overlay-get ov 'help-echo))
-           (new-pen (if pen pen
+    (let ((new-pen (if pen pen
                       (completing-read "Which pen?:" 
       (delete-overlay ov)
-      (funcall new-pen beg end id :change text))))
+      (funcall new-pen beg end id :change))))
 (defun org-remark-remove (point &optional delete)
   "Remove the highlight at POINT.
@@ -706,18 +702,44 @@ to the database."
      (push ov org-remark-highlights)
      ;; for mode, nil and :change result in saving the highlight.  :load
      ;; bypasses save.
-     (unless (eq mode :load)
-       (let ((filename (org-remark-source-find-file-name)))
+     (let ((filename (org-remark-source-find-file-name)))
+       (unless (eq mode :load)
          (if filename
              (org-remark-highlight-save filename
                                         beg end
                                         (overlay-properties ov)
-           (message "org-remark: Highlights not saved; buffer is not visiting 
a file"))))))
+           (message "org-remark: Highlights not saved; buffer is not visiting 
a file")))
+       ;;; on load, send data once from notes to source
+       (when (eq mode :load)
+         (org-remark-notes-communicate-with-source filename id)))))
+  ;;; for on-going communication from notes to source, after-save-hook.
+  (let ((notes-buf (find-file-noselect (org-remark-notes-get-file-name))))
+    (with-current-buffer notes-buf
+        ;;; think of the case when source = notes files?
+      (add-hook 'after-save-hook #'org-remark-notes-send-data nil :local)))
+(defun org-remark-notes-communicate-with-source (filename id)
+  "Send data for the marginal notes for ID.
+Assume the current buffer is the source buffer."
+  ;;; Add local hook to the notes buffer so that it can communicate data
+  ;;; to the source buffer upon save.
+  (let ((notes-buf (find-file-noselect (org-remark-notes-get-file-name))))
+    (with-current-buffer notes-buf
+      ;;; on load, send data once
+      (org-with-wide-buffer
+       ;;; File must exist already; this is not to create
+       (let ((file-headline (org-find-property
+                             org-remark-prop-source-file
+                             (org-remark-source-get-file-name filename)))
+             (id-headline (org-find-property org-remark-prop-id id)))
+         (goto-char file-headline)
+         (goto-char id-headline)
+         (message (concat "text" (org-remark-highlight-get-text))))))))
 (defun org-remark-highlight-get-title ()
   "Return the title of the current buffer.
 Utility function to work with a single highlight overlay."
@@ -959,6 +981,10 @@ drawer."
 ;;;;; org-remark-highlights
 ;;    Work on all the highlights in the current buffer
+(defun org-remark-notes-send-data ()
+  ;; TODO.  Think of the case when source = notes files
+  (message "Sending"))
 (defun org-remark-highlights-load ()
   "Visit `org-remark-notes-file' & load the saved highlights onto current 
 If there is no highlights or annotations for current buffer,
@@ -973,20 +999,29 @@ Otherwise, do not forget to turn on `org-remark-mode' 
manually to
 load the highlights"
   ;; Loop highlights and add them to the current buffer
   (dolist (highlight (org-remark-highlights-get))
-    (let ((id (car highlight))
-          (beg (caadr highlight))
-          (end (cdadr highlight))
-          (label (caddr highlight))
-          (text (cadddr highlight)))
+    (let* ((id (plist-get highlight :id))
+           (location (plist-get highlight :location))
+           (beg (car location))
+           (end (cdr location))
+           (label (plist-get highlight :label))
+           (props (plist-get highlight :props)))
       (let ((fn (intern (concat "org-remark-mark-" label))))
         (unless (functionp fn) (setq fn #'org-remark-mark))
-        (funcall fn beg end id :load text)))))
+        (funcall fn beg end id :load)
+        ;; TODO Generalize. TEXT should not be the fixed property.
+        ;; '(:text (val . fn) :prop1 (val . fn) :prop2 (val .fn))
+        ;; (dolist list)
+        (let ((ov (org-remark-find-overlay-at-point beg)))
+          (unless (overlay-get ov 'help-echo)
+            (overlay-put ov 'help-echo (plist-get props :body)))
+          (overlay-put ov 'org-remark-note-body
+                       (plist-get props :body)))))))
 (defun org-remark-highlights-get ()
   "Return a list of highlights from the marginal notes file.
 The file name is returned by `org-remark-notes-get-file-name'.
-Each highlight is a list in the following structure:
+Each highlight is a property list in the following properties:
+    (:id ID :location (BEG . END) :label LABEL :props '(PROPERTIES)"
   ;; Set source-file-name first, as `find-file-noselect' will set the
   ;; current-buffer to source-file-name. Issue #39 FIXME: A way to make
   ;; this sequence agnostic is preferred, if there is a function that
@@ -1023,10 +1058,10 @@ Each highlight is a list in the following structure:
                                 (org-entry-get (point)
                           (text (org-remark-highlight-get-text)))
-                 (push (list id
-                             (cons beg end)
-                             (org-entry-get (point) "org-remark-label")
-                             text)
+                 (push (list :id id
+                             :location (cons beg end)
+                             :label    (org-entry-get (point) 
+                             :props    (list :body text))

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