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[nongnu] elpa/haskell-tng-mode 10ad137de7 1/2: upgrade hsinspect

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/haskell-tng-mode 10ad137de7 1/2: upgrade hsinspect
Date: Mon, 22 May 2023 19:00:46 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/haskell-tng-mode
commit 10ad137de79cb0f5f35d30a791b3784bfb6cc125
Author: Tseen She <ts33n.sh3@gmail.com>
Commit: Tseen She <ts33n.sh3@gmail.com>

    upgrade hsinspect
 README.md                | 4 ++--
 haskell-tng-hsinspect.el | 2 +-
 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 709f578779..c45312380f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ The optional command line tool 
 To use this feature you must install `hsinspect` command line tool and the 
`ghcflags` plugin to every `.cabal` file:
-1. `build-tool-depends: hsinspect:hsinspect == 0.0.18`
-2. `build-depends: ghcflags == 1.0.3`
+1. `build-tool-depends: hsinspect:hsinspect == 0.1.0`
+2. `build-depends: ghcflags == 1.0.4`
 3. add `ghc-options: -fplugin GhcFlags.Plugin`
 To find out which module a symbol belongs to, use `M-x 
haskell-tng-fqn-at-point`. The `haskell-tng-extra-company` package will 
automatically complete symbols that are in scope.
diff --git a/haskell-tng-hsinspect.el b/haskell-tng-hsinspect.el
index 8463b3716f..b1d9e27bc6 100644
--- a/haskell-tng-hsinspect.el
+++ b/haskell-tng-hsinspect.el
@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ Does not persist the cache changes to disk."
   "Finds and checks the hsinspect binary for the current buffer.
 This is uncached, prefer `haskell-tng--hsinspect-exe'."
-  (let ((supported '("0.0.7" "0.0.8" "0.0.9" "0.0.10" "0.0.11" "0.0.12" 
"0.0.13" "0.0.14" "0.0.15" "0.0.16" "0.0.17" "0.0.18" "0.0.19"))
+  (let ((supported '("0.0.7" "0.0.8" "0.0.9" "0.0.10" "0.0.11" "0.0.12" 
"0.0.13" "0.0.14" "0.0.15" "0.0.16" "0.0.17" "0.0.18" "0.0.19" "0.1.0" "0.1.1"))
         (bin (haskell-tng--util-ghcpath-which "hsinspect")))
     (if bin
         (let ((version

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