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[nongnu] elpa/git-commit 9e95c23813 1/7: Use `and' instead of `when' or

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/git-commit 9e95c23813 1/7: Use `and' instead of `when' or `unless' if value matters
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2023 13:00:09 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/git-commit
commit 9e95c2381375cb064d54a6afe70d61140da6fa30
Author: Jonas Bernoulli <jonas@bernoul.li>
Commit: Jonas Bernoulli <jonas@bernoul.li>

    Use `and' instead of `when' or `unless' if value matters
 lisp/git-commit.el    | 13 +++++++------
 lisp/magit-git.el     | 17 ++++++++++-------
 lisp/magit-log.el     |  4 ++--
 lisp/magit-section.el |  6 +++---
 4 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/git-commit.el b/lisp/git-commit.el
index a22a3e785e..b11141a31c 100644
--- a/lisp/git-commit.el
+++ b/lisp/git-commit.el
@@ -791,12 +791,13 @@ Save current message first."
       (unless (eq (char-before) ?\n)
         (insert ?\n))
       (setq str (buffer-string)))
-    (unless (string-match "\\`[ \t\n\r]*\\'" str)
-      (when (string-match "\\`\n\\{2,\\}" str)
-        (setq str (replace-match "\n" t t str)))
-      (when (string-match "\n\\{2,\\}\\'" str)
-        (setq str (replace-match "\n" t t str)))
-      str)))
+    (and (not (string-match "\\`[ \t\n\r]*\\'" str))
+         (progn
+           (when (string-match "\\`\n\\{2,\\}" str)
+             (setq str (replace-match "\n" t t str)))
+           (when (string-match "\n\\{2,\\}\\'" str)
+             (setq str (replace-match "\n" t t str)))
+           str))))
 ;;; Utilities
diff --git a/lisp/magit-git.el b/lisp/magit-git.el
index cfff36543b..778f6d1551 100644
--- a/lisp/magit-git.el
+++ b/lisp/magit-git.el
@@ -1087,7 +1087,9 @@ tracked file."
   (magit-list-files "--cached"))
 (defun magit-untracked-files (&optional all files)
-  (magit-list-files "--other" (unless all "--exclude-standard") "--" files))
+  (magit-list-files "--other"
+                    (and (not all) "--exclude-standard")
+                    "--" files))
 (defun magit-modified-files (&optional nomodules files)
   (magit-git-items "diff-index" "-z" "--name-only"
@@ -1788,14 +1790,15 @@ according to the branch type."
 (defun magit-get-@{push}-branch (&optional branch)
   (let ((ref (magit-rev-parse "--symbolic-full-name"
                               (concat branch "@{push}"))))
-    (when (and ref (string-prefix-p "refs/remotes/" ref))
-      (substring ref 13))))
+    (and ref
+         (string-prefix-p "refs/remotes/" ref)
+         (substring ref 13))))
 (defun magit-get-remote (&optional branch)
-  (when (or branch (setq branch (magit-get-current-branch)))
-    (let ((remote (magit-get "branch" branch "remote")))
-      (unless (equal remote ".")
-        remote))))
+  (and (or branch (setq branch (magit-get-current-branch)))
+       (let ((remote (magit-get "branch" branch "remote")))
+         (and (not (equal remote "."))
+              remote))))
 (defun magit-get-some-remote (&optional branch)
   (or (magit-get-remote branch)
diff --git a/lisp/magit-log.el b/lisp/magit-log.el
index 81164a2828..130fa4015d 100644
--- a/lisp/magit-log.el
+++ b/lisp/magit-log.el
@@ -619,8 +619,8 @@ commits before and half after."
                        (magit-list-refnames nil t)
                        nil nil nil 'magit-revision-history
                        (or (magit-branch-or-commit-at-point)
-                           (unless use-current
-                             (magit-get-previous-branch)))
+                           (and (not use-current)
+                                (magit-get-previous-branch)))
                        nil t)
                       "[, ]" t))))
diff --git a/lisp/magit-section.el b/lisp/magit-section.el
index 1a04b55f54..fd2fd5c0e1 100644
--- a/lisp/magit-section.el
+++ b/lisp/magit-section.el
@@ -1346,9 +1346,9 @@ anything this time around.
              (magit-insert-section--parent  ,s)
               (or magit-insert-section--oldroot
-                  (unless magit-insert-section--parent
-                    (prog1 magit-root-section
-                      (setq magit-root-section ,s))))))
+                  (and (not magit-insert-section--parent)
+                       (prog1 magit-root-section
+                         (setq magit-root-section ,s))))))
          (catch 'cancel-section
            ,@(if s*
                  `((let ((,s* ,s))

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