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[nongnu] elpa/git-commit 41a0f6ed30 2/7: Use and-let* instead of when-le

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/git-commit 41a0f6ed30 2/7: Use and-let* instead of when-let* if value matters
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2023 13:00:11 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/git-commit
commit 41a0f6ed30f51245c0bb6b5876d7525730c5d17f
Author: Jonas Bernoulli <jonas@bernoul.li>
Commit: Jonas Bernoulli <jonas@bernoul.li>

    Use and-let* instead of when-let* if value matters
 lisp/magit-diff.el | 86 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 lisp/magit-git.el  | 18 +++++++-----
 lisp/magit-refs.el | 11 +++----
 3 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/magit-diff.el b/lisp/magit-diff.el
index 745b203db6..c474db1533 100644
--- a/lisp/magit-diff.el
+++ b/lisp/magit-diff.el
@@ -1116,10 +1116,10 @@ The information can be in three forms:
 If no DWIM context is found, nil is returned."
-   ((when-let* ((commits (magit-region-values '(commit branch) t)))
-      ;; Cannot use and-let* because of debbugs#31840.
-      (deactivate-mark)
-      (concat (car (last commits)) ".." (car commits))))
+   ((and-let* ((commits (magit-region-values '(commit branch) t)))
+      (progn ; work around debbugs#31840
+        (deactivate-mark)
+        (concat (car (last commits)) ".." (car commits)))))
     (cons 'commit magit-buffer-refname))
    ((derived-mode-p 'magit-stash-mode)
@@ -1168,26 +1168,27 @@ If no DWIM context is found, nil is returned."
         (t range)))
 (defun magit-diff--region-range (&optional interactive mbase)
-  (when-let* ((commits (magit-region-values '(commit branch) t)) ;debbugs#31840
-              (revA (car (last commits)))
-              (revB (car commits)))
-    (when interactive
-      (deactivate-mark))
-    (if mbase
-        (let ((base (magit-git-string "merge-base" revA revB)))
-          (cond
-           ((string= (magit-rev-parse revA) base)
-            (format "%s..%s" revA revB))
-           ((string= (magit-rev-parse revB) base)
-            (format "%s..%s" revB revA))
-           (interactive
-            (let ((main (magit-completing-read "View changes along"
-                                               (list revA revB)
-                                               nil t nil nil revB)))
-              (format "%s...%s"
-                      (if (string= main revB) revA revB) main)))
-           (t "%s...%s" revA revB)))
-      (format "%s..%s" revA revB))))
+  (and-let* ((commits (magit-region-values '(commit branch) t))
+             (revA (car (last commits)))
+             (revB (car commits)))
+    (progn ; work around debbugs#31840
+      (when interactive
+        (deactivate-mark))
+      (if mbase
+          (let ((base (magit-git-string "merge-base" revA revB)))
+            (cond
+             ((string= (magit-rev-parse revA) base)
+              (format "%s..%s" revA revB))
+             ((string= (magit-rev-parse revB) base)
+              (format "%s..%s" revB revA))
+             (interactive
+              (let ((main (magit-completing-read "View changes along"
+                                                 (list revA revB)
+                                                 nil t nil nil revB)))
+                (format "%s...%s"
+                        (if (string= main revB) revA revB) main)))
+             (t "%s...%s" revA revB)))
+        (format "%s..%s" revA revB)))))
 (defun magit-diff-read-range-or-commit (prompt &optional secondary-default 
   "Read range or revision with special diff range treatment.
@@ -1706,24 +1707,25 @@ the Magit-Status buffer for DIRECTORY."
       (user-error "No file at point"))))
 (defun magit-diff-visit--hunk ()
-  (when-let* ((scope (magit-diff-scope)) ;debbugs#31840
-              (section (magit-current-section)))
-    (cl-case scope
-      ((file files)
-       (setq section (car (oref section children))))
-      (list
-       (setq section (car (oref section children)))
-       (when section
-         (setq section (car (oref section children))))))
-    (and
-     ;; Unmerged files appear in the list of staged changes
-     ;; but unlike in the list of unstaged changes no diffs
-     ;; are shown here.  In that case `section' is nil.
-     section
-     ;; Currently the `hunk' type is also abused for file
-     ;; mode changes, which we are not interested in here.
-     (not (equal (oref section value) '(chmod)))
-     section)))
+  (and-let* ((scope (magit-diff-scope))
+             (section (magit-current-section)))
+    (progn ; work around debbugs#31840
+      (cl-case scope
+        ((file files)
+         (setq section (car (oref section children))))
+        (list
+         (setq section (car (oref section children)))
+         (when section
+           (setq section (car (oref section children))))))
+      (and
+       ;; Unmerged files appear in the list of staged changes
+       ;; but unlike in the list of unstaged changes no diffs
+       ;; are shown here.  In that case `section' is nil.
+       section
+       ;; Currently the `hunk' type is also abused for file
+       ;; mode changes, which we are not interested in here.
+       (not (equal (oref section value) '(chmod)))
+       section))))
 (defun magit-diff-visit--goto-from-p (section in-worktree)
   (and magit-diff-visit-previous-blob
diff --git a/lisp/magit-git.el b/lisp/magit-git.el
index 778f6d1551..db75252077 100644
--- a/lisp/magit-git.el
+++ b/lisp/magit-git.el
@@ -1462,11 +1462,12 @@ Git."
          (substring name 8))))
 (defun magit-name-tag (rev &optional lax)
-  (when-let* ((name (magit-rev-name rev "refs/tags/*"))) ;debbugs#31840
-    (when (string-suffix-p "^0" name)
-      (setq name (substring name 0 -2)))
-    (and (or lax (not (string-match-p "[~^]" name)))
-         (substring name 5))))
+  (and-let* ((name (magit-rev-name rev "refs/tags/*")))
+    (progn ; work around debbugs#31840
+      (when (string-suffix-p "^0" name)
+        (setq name (substring name 0 -2)))
+      (and (or lax (not (string-match-p "[~^]" name)))
+           (substring name 5)))))
 (defun magit-ref-abbrev (refname)
   "Return an unambiguous abbreviation of REFNAME."
@@ -2295,9 +2296,10 @@ If `first-parent' is set, traverse only first parents."
 (defun magit-format-rev-summary (rev)
-  (when-let* ((str (magit-rev-format "%h %s" rev))) ;debbugs#31840
-    (magit--put-face 0 (string-match " " str) 'magit-hash str)
-    str))
+  (and-let* ((str (magit-rev-format "%h %s" rev)))
+    (progn ; work around debbugs#31840
+      (magit--put-face 0 (string-match " " str) 'magit-hash str)
+      str)))
 (defvar magit-ref-namespaces
   '(("\\`HEAD\\'"                  . magit-head)
diff --git a/lisp/magit-refs.el b/lisp/magit-refs.el
index e4b31c826d..92b6e8e4cb 100644
--- a/lisp/magit-refs.el
+++ b/lisp/magit-refs.el
@@ -354,11 +354,12 @@ Type \\[magit-reset] to reset `HEAD' to the commit at 
      ((eq major-mode 'magit-refs-mode)
       (setq args magit-buffer-arguments))
      ((and (memq use-buffer-args '(always selected))
-           (when-let* ((buffer (magit-get-mode-buffer ;debbugs#31840
-                                'magit-refs-mode nil
-                                (eq use-buffer-args 'selected))))
-             (setq args (buffer-local-value 'magit-buffer-arguments buffer))
-             t)))
+           (and-let* ((buffer (magit-get-mode-buffer
+                               'magit-refs-mode nil
+                               (eq use-buffer-args 'selected))))
+             (progn ; work around debbugs#31840
+               (setq args (buffer-local-value 'magit-buffer-arguments buffer))
+               t))))
       (setq args (alist-get 'magit-show-refs transient-values))))

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