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[elpa] externals-release/activities 6590d88558 069/103: Docs: Update

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals-release/activities 6590d88558 069/103: Docs: Update
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2024 03:57:52 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals-release/activities
commit 6590d88558a5d2bab5027d4b9fcba9cb7d12056d
Author: Adam Porter <adam@alphapapa.net>
Commit: Adam Porter <adam@alphapapa.net>

    Docs: Update
 README.org      |  4 ++--
 activities.info | 55 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 2 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
index c28dc4daf0..a8c181cbe2 100644
--- a/README.org
+++ b/README.org
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ If you choose to install it otherwise, you'll need to load 
both the ~activities~
 For the purposes of this library, an "activity" is a window configuration and 
its associated buffers.  When an activity is "resumed," its buffers are 
recreated and loaded into the window configuration, which is loaded into a 
frame or tab.
-From the user's perspective, an "activity" should be thought of as something 
like, "reading my email," "working on my Emacs library," "writing my book," 
"working for this client," etc.  One arranges a set of windows and buffers 
according to what's needed, then saves it as a new activity.  Later, when the 
user wants to return to doing that activity, the activity is "resumed," which 
restores the activity's last-seen state, allowing the user to pick up where the 
activity was left off; but t [...]
+From the user's perspective, an "activity" should be thought of as something 
like, "reading my email," "working on my Emacs library," "writing my book," 
"working for this client," etc.  The user arranges a set of windows and buffers 
according to what's needed, then saves it as a new activity.  Later, when the 
user wants to return to doing that activity, the activity is "resumed," which 
restores the activity's last-seen state, allowing the user to pick up where the 
activity was left off;  [...]
 ** Compatibility
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ This library is designed to not interfere with other 
workflows and tools; it is
 ** Modes
-+ ~activities-mode~ :: Automatically saves activities' states when Emacs is 
idle.  Should be enabled while using this package (otherwise you would have to 
manually call ~activities-save-all~, which would defeat much of the purpose of 
this library).
++ ~activities-mode~ :: Automatically saves activities' states when Emacs is 
idle and when Emacs exits.  Should be enabled while using this package 
(otherwise you would have to manually call ~activities-save-all~, which would 
defeat much of the purpose of this library).
 + ~activities-tabs-mode~ :: Causes activities to be managed as ~tab-bar~ tabs 
rather than frames (the default).  (/This is what the author uses; bugs present 
when this mode is not enabled are less likely to be found, so please report 
 ** Workflow
diff --git a/activities.info b/activities.info
index e2509a388b..e60338ad75 100644
--- a/activities.info
+++ b/activities.info
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Usage
+* v0.2-pre: v02-pre.
 * v0.1.1: v011.
 * v0.1: v01.
@@ -135,9 +136,9 @@ configuration, which is loaded into a frame or tab.
    From the user’s perspective, an "activity" should be thought of as
 something like, "reading my email," "working on my Emacs library,"
-"writing my book," "working for this client," etc.  One arranges a set
-of windows and buffers according to what’s needed, then saves it as a
-new activity.  Later, when the user wants to return to doing that
+"writing my book," "working for this client," etc.  The user arranges a
+set of windows and buffers according to what’s needed, then saves it as
+a new activity.  Later, when the user wants to return to doing that
 activity, the activity is "resumed," which restores the activity’s
 last-seen state, allowing the user to pick up where the activity was
 left off; but the user may also revert the activity to its default
@@ -164,10 +165,10 @@ File: README.info,  Node: Modes,  Next: Workflow,  Prev: 
Compatibility,  Up: Usa
-     Automatically saves activities’ states when Emacs is idle.  Should
-     be enabled while using this package (otherwise you would have to
-     manually call ‘activities-save-all’, which would defeat much of the
-     purpose of this library).
+     Automatically saves activities’ states when Emacs is idle and when
+     Emacs exits.  Should be enabled while using this package (otherwise
+     you would have to manually call ‘activities-save-all’, which would
+     defeat much of the purpose of this library).
      Causes activities to be managed as ‘tab-bar’ tabs rather than
      frames (the default).  (_This is what the author uses; bugs present
@@ -304,13 +305,22 @@ File: README.info,  Node: Changelog,  Prev: FAQ,  Up: Top
 * Menu:
+* v0.2-pre: v02-pre.
 * v0.1.1: v011.
 * v0.1: v01.
-File: README.info,  Node: v011,  Next: v01,  Up: Changelog
+File: README.info,  Node: v02-pre,  Next: v011,  Up: Changelog
-4.1 v0.1.1
+4.1 v0.2-pre
+Nothing new yet.
+File: README.info,  Node: v011,  Next: v01,  Prev: v02-pre,  Up: Changelog
+4.2 v0.1.1
@@ -319,7 +329,7 @@ File: README.info,  Node: v011,  Next: v01,  Up: Changelog
 File: README.info,  Node: v01,  Prev: v011,  Up: Changelog
-4.2 v0.1
+4.3 v0.1
 Initial release.
@@ -328,18 +338,19 @@ Initial release.
 Tag Table:
 Node: Top231
-Node: Installation2114
-Node: Usage3743
-Node: Activities3931
-Node: Compatibility4914
-Node: Modes5398
-Node: Workflow6045
-Node: Commands6998
-Node: Bookmarks8211
-Node: FAQ8563
-Node: Changelog11639
-Node: v01111764
-Node: v0111914
+Node: Installation2135
+Node: Usage3764
+Node: Activities3952
+Node: Compatibility4940
+Node: Modes5424
+Node: Workflow6092
+Node: Commands7045
+Node: Bookmarks8258
+Node: FAQ8610
+Node: Changelog11686
+Node: v02-pre11832
+Node: v01111943
+Node: v0112109
 End Tag Table

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