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[elpa] externals-release/activities 0a567ae61e 063/103: Docs: Update
From: |
ELPA Syncer |
Subject: |
[elpa] externals-release/activities 0a567ae61e 063/103: Docs: Update |
Date: |
Tue, 30 Jan 2024 03:57:52 -0500 (EST) |
branch: externals-release/activities
commit 0a567ae61ee4fc1bc0edfb0beedd69c839ab8f29
Author: Adam Porter <adam@alphapapa.net>
Commit: Adam Porter <adam@alphapapa.net>
Docs: Update
README.org | 12 ++++++++-
activities.info | 84 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
2 files changed, 69 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
index c395821268..ff9be78b42 100644
--- a/README.org
+++ b/README.org
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Integration with Emacs's ~tab-bar-mode~ is provided: a window
configuration or f
Various hooks are (or will be--feedback is welcome) provided, both globally
and per-activity, so that the user can define functions to be called when an
activity is saved, restored, or switched from/to. For example, this could be
used to limit the set of buffers offered for switching to within an activity,
or to track the time spent in an activity.
-* Contents
+* Contents :noexport:
:TOC: :include siblings :depth 0 :force (nothing) :ignore (this) :local
@@ -55,6 +55,16 @@ If you choose to install it otherwise, you'll need to load
both the ~activities~
* Usage
+** Activities
+For the purposes of this library, an "activity" is a window configuration and
its associated buffers. When an activity is "resumed," its buffers are
recreated and loaded into the window configuration, which is loaded into a
frame or tab.
+From the user's perspective, an "activity" should be thought of as something
like, "reading my email," "working on my Emacs library," "writing my book,"
"working for this client," etc. One arranges a set of windows and buffers
according to what's needed, then saves it as a new activity. Later, when the
user wants to return to doing that activity, the activity is "resumed," which
restores the activity's last-seen state, allowing the user to pick up where the
activity was left off; but t [...]
+** Compatibility
+This library is designed to not interfere with other workflows and tools; it
is intended to coexist and allow integration with them. For example, when
~activities-tabs-mode~ is enabled, non-activity-related tabs are not affected
by it; and the user may close any tab using existing tab commands, regardless
of whether it is associated with an activity.
** Modes
+ ~activities-mode~ :: Automatically saves activities' states when Emacs is
idle. Should be enabled while using this package (otherwise you would have to
manually call ~activities-save-all~, which would defeat much of the purpose of
this library).
diff --git a/activities.info b/activities.info
index 372d1a3b71..d5649a139f 100644
--- a/activities.info
+++ b/activities.info
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY
-File: README.info, Node: Top, Next: Contents, Up: (dir)
+File: README.info, Node: Top, Next: Installation, Up: (dir)
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ activity.
* Menu:
-* Contents::
* Installation::
* Usage::
* FAQ::
@@ -51,6 +50,8 @@ activity.
+* Activities::
+* Compatibility::
* Modes::
* Workflow::
* Commands::
@@ -58,16 +59,9 @@ Usage
-File: README.info, Node: Contents, Next: Installation, Prev: Top, Up: Top
+File: README.info, Node: Installation, Next: Usage, Prev: Top, Up: Top
-1 Contents
- • • •
-File: README.info, Node: Installation, Next: Usage, Prev: Contents, Up: Top
-2 Installation
+1 Installation
Until this library is available from a package archive, it’s recommended
@@ -110,20 +104,57 @@ autoloads are generated properly.
File: README.info, Node: Usage, Next: FAQ, Prev: Installation, Up: Top
-3 Usage
+2 Usage
* Menu:
+* Activities::
+* Compatibility::
* Modes::
* Workflow::
* Commands::
* Bookmarks::
-File: README.info, Node: Modes, Next: Workflow, Up: Usage
+File: README.info, Node: Activities, Next: Compatibility, Up: Usage
+2.1 Activities
+For the purposes of this library, an "activity" is a window
+configuration and its associated buffers. When an activity is
+"resumed," its buffers are recreated and loaded into the window
+configuration, which is loaded into a frame or tab.
+ From the user’s perspective, an "activity" should be thought of as
+something like, "reading my email," "working on my Emacs library,"
+"writing my book," "working for this client," etc. One arranges a set
+of windows and buffers according to what’s needed, then saves it as a
+new activity. Later, when the user wants to return to doing that
+activity, the activity is "resumed," which restores the activity’s
+last-seen state, allowing the user to pick up where the activity was
+left off; but the user may also revert the activity to its default
+state, which may be used as a kind of entry point to doing the activity
+in general.
+File: README.info, Node: Compatibility, Next: Modes, Prev: Activities, Up:
+2.2 Compatibility
+This library is designed to not interfere with other workflows and
+tools; it is intended to coexist and allow integration with them. For
+example, when ‘activities-tabs-mode’ is enabled, non-activity-related
+tabs are not affected by it; and the user may close any tab using
+existing tab commands, regardless of whether it is associated with an
+File: README.info, Node: Modes, Next: Workflow, Prev: Compatibility, Up:
-3.1 Modes
+2.3 Modes
@@ -140,7 +171,7 @@ File: README.info, Node: Modes, Next: Workflow, Up: Usage
File: README.info, Node: Workflow, Next: Commands, Prev: Modes, Up: Usage
-3.2 Workflow
+2.4 Workflow
An example of a workflow using activities:
@@ -165,7 +196,7 @@ An example of a workflow using activities:
File: README.info, Node: Commands, Next: Bookmarks, Prev: Workflow, Up:
-3.3 Commands
+2.5 Commands
‘activities-new’ (‘C-x C-a n’)
@@ -194,7 +225,7 @@ File: README.info, Node: Commands, Next: Bookmarks,
Prev: Workflow, Up: Usag
File: README.info, Node: Bookmarks, Prev: Commands, Up: Usage
When option ‘activities-bookmark-store’ is enabled, an Emacs bookmark is
@@ -205,7 +236,7 @@ universalize the bookmark system).
File: README.info, Node: FAQ, Prev: Usage, Up: Top
-4 FAQ
+3 FAQ
How is this different from Burly.el (https://github.com/alphapapa/burly.el) or
Bufler.el (https://github.com/alphapapa/bufler.el/)?
@@ -263,14 +294,15 @@ Why did I get an error?
Tag Table:
Node: Top231
-Node: Contents2035
-Node: Installation2155
-Node: Usage3789
-Node: Modes3944
-Node: Workflow4569
-Node: Commands5522
-Node: Bookmarks6735
-Node: FAQ7087
+Node: Installation2059
+Node: Usage3688
+Node: Activities3876
+Node: Compatibility4859
+Node: Modes5343
+Node: Workflow5990
+Node: Commands6943
+Node: Bookmarks8156
+Node: FAQ8508
End Tag Table
- [elpa] externals-release/activities 970ec6c377 042/103: Add: Bookmark support, (continued)
- [elpa] externals-release/activities 970ec6c377 042/103: Add: Bookmark support, ELPA Syncer, 2024/01/30
- [elpa] externals-release/activities 7ee86c2841 043/103: Notes: Update, ELPA Syncer, 2024/01/30
- [elpa] externals-release/activities 095231ef6a 052/103: Tidy: Indentation, ELPA Syncer, 2024/01/30
- [elpa] externals-release/activities 8e004b83f1 058/103: Change: (activities--name-buffer) Error for missing buffers, ELPA Syncer, 2024/01/30
- [elpa] externals-release/activities 5f044d448b 060/103: Change: (activities-resume) Don't reload already active activities, ELPA Syncer, 2024/01/30
- [elpa] externals-release/activities 379058b3cf 061/103: Tidy, ELPA Syncer, 2024/01/30
- [elpa] externals-release/activities a4d0cf85a5 062/103: Docs: Update, list commands, ELPA Syncer, 2024/01/30
- [elpa] externals-release/activities e160659a91 065/103: Release: v0.1, ELPA Syncer, 2024/01/30
- [elpa] externals-release/activities 1d8492adcf 068/103: Meta: v0.2-pre, ELPA Syncer, 2024/01/30
- [elpa] externals-release/activities 6590d88558 069/103: Docs: Update, ELPA Syncer, 2024/01/30
- [elpa] externals-release/activities 0a567ae61e 063/103: Docs: Update,
ELPA Syncer <=
- [elpa] externals-release/activities 89d375c10e 070/103: Fix: (activities--window-serialized) Single-window frames, ELPA Syncer, 2024/01/30
- [elpa] externals-release/activities 961c303a93 072/103: Meta: v0.1.3-pre, ELPA Syncer, 2024/01/30
- [elpa] externals-release/activities 8ee16991a1 073/103: Fix: Autoload -new and -resume, ELPA Syncer, 2024/01/30
- [elpa] externals-release/activities b35fb176cf 076/103: Merge: v0.1.3, ELPA Syncer, 2024/01/30
- [elpa] externals-release/activities 0e10aba980 078/103: Change/Fix: (activities-completing-read) Variable and require match, ELPA Syncer, 2024/01/30
- [elpa] externals-release/activities 8211fb1bd1 080/103: Comment: Add TODO, ELPA Syncer, 2024/01/30
- [elpa] externals-release/activities 7fb531c494 082/103: Tidy: Docstring, ELPA Syncer, 2024/01/30
- [elpa] externals-release/activities b271af1e07 083/103: Change: (activities-new) Use project name as default name prompt, ELPA Syncer, 2024/01/30
- [elpa] externals-release/activities 8afee346ab 084/103: Add: (activities-default-name-fn) And use as default activity name, ELPA Syncer, 2024/01/30
- [elpa] externals-release/activities 53ca02eda4 094/103: Release: v0.2, ELPA Syncer, 2024/01/30