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[nongnu] elpa/helm eab742aa8a 1/4: Reindent no code change

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/helm eab742aa8a 1/4: Reindent no code change
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2024 04:06:04 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/helm
commit eab742aa8a1923734394f78f60f748c5cb4f01e6
Author: Thierry Volpiatto <thievol@posteo.net>
Commit: Thierry Volpiatto <thievol@posteo.net>

    Reindent no code change
 helm-mode.el | 31 ++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/helm-mode.el b/helm-mode.el
index 4712a83d9b..d0d8b5fdde 100644
--- a/helm-mode.el
+++ b/helm-mode.el
@@ -2381,21 +2381,22 @@ When AFUN, AFIX are nil and CATEGORY is not file return 
COMPS unmodified."
           (cl-loop for f in comps
                    unless (string-match "\\`\\.\\{1,2\\}/\\'" f)
                    collect f)))
-  (cond (afix (let ((affixations (funcall afix comps)))
-                (if (functionp affixations)
-                    (cl-loop for comp in comps
-                             for cand = (funcall affixations comp)
-                             when cand
-                             collect (cons (propertize (concat (nth 1 cand) 
-                                                               (nth 0 cand) 
-                                                               (nth 2 cand)) 
-                                                       'match-part (nth 0 
-                                           comp))
-                  (cl-loop for (comp prefix suffix) in affixations
-                           collect (cons (propertize
-                                          (concat prefix comp suffix)
-                                          'match-part comp)
-                                         comp)))))
+  (cond (afix
+         (let ((affixations (funcall afix comps)))
+           (if (functionp affixations)
+               (cl-loop for comp in comps
+                        for cand = (funcall affixations comp)
+                        when cand
+                        collect (cons (propertize (concat (nth 1 cand) ;prefix
+                                                          (nth 0 cand) ;comp
+                                                          (nth 2 cand)) ;suffix
+                                                  'match-part (nth 0 cand))
+                                      comp))
+             (cl-loop for (comp prefix suffix) in affixations
+                      collect (cons (propertize
+                                     (concat prefix comp suffix)
+                                     'match-part comp)
+                                    comp)))))
          ;; Add annotation at end of
          ;; candidate if needed, e.g. foo<f>, this happen when

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