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[nongnu] elpa/helm 9c539c683e 3/4: Make special symbols in *acase more e

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/helm 9c539c683e 3/4: Make special symbols in *acase more explicit
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2024 04:06:05 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/helm
commit 9c539c683e8ddd1bf79d451f07a97cfafde67880
Author: Thierry Volpiatto <thievol@posteo.net>
Commit: Thierry Volpiatto <thievol@posteo.net>

    Make special symbols in *acase more explicit
    This make clear what the code does and prevent special cases where
    EXPR is one of dst or guard and is checked in a list.
    The symbols guard and dst are now replaced by guard* and dst*.
 helm-command.el |  4 ++--
 helm-core.el    | 16 ++++++++--------
 helm-elisp.el   | 54 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 helm-files.el   |  8 ++++----
 helm-grep.el    |  2 +-
 helm-imenu.el   |  8 ++++----
 helm-lib.el     | 48 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 helm-mode.el    | 10 +++++-----
 helm-ring.el    |  6 +++---
 helm-utils.el   |  8 ++++----
 10 files changed, 83 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-)

diff --git a/helm-command.el b/helm-command.el
index 7ff93b66ae..e5af2fccdc 100644
--- a/helm-command.el
+++ b/helm-command.el
@@ -320,9 +320,9 @@ Arg HISTORY default to `extended-command-history'."
                        :fuzzy-match helm-M-x-fuzzy-match)))
          (prompt (concat (helm-acase helm-M-x-prefix-argument
                            (- "-")
-                           ((guard (and (consp it) (car it)))
+                           ((guard* (and (consp it) (car it)))
                             (if (eq guard 4) "C-u " (format "%d " guard)))
-                           ((guard (integerp it)) (format "%d " it)))
+                           ((guard* (integerp it)) (format "%d " it)))
                          "M-x ")))
     (setq helm-M-x--timer (run-at-time 1 0.1 #'helm-M-x--notify-prefix-arg))
     ;; Fix Bug#2250, add `helm-move-selection-after-hook' which
diff --git a/helm-core.el b/helm-core.el
index db070f1c96..bb64bcfeea 100644
--- a/helm-core.el
+++ b/helm-core.el
@@ -2386,8 +2386,8 @@ show ARG number of candidates."
         (with-helm-default-directory (helm-default-directory)
           (setq-local helm-candidate-number-limit
                       (helm-acase arg
-                        ((guard (consp arg)) nil)
-                        ((guard (numberp arg)) it)
+                        ((guard* (consp arg)) nil)
+                        ((guard* (numberp arg)) it)
                         (t (default-value 'helm-candidate-number-limit))))
            (list (helm-get-current-source))))))))
@@ -3465,7 +3465,7 @@ The function used to display `helm-buffer' by calling
              (helm-acase helm-split-window-default-side
                ((same other) it) ; take precedence on *-window-side-state.
-               ((guard helm--window-side-state) guard)
+               ((guard* helm--window-side-state) guard)
                (t it))
         (disp-fn (with-current-buffer buffer
@@ -3815,9 +3815,9 @@ See :after-init-hook and :before-init-hook in 
   ;; etc...
   (dolist (s sources)
     (helm-acase (assoc-default hook s)
-      ((guard (and (functionp it) (not (symbolp it))))
+      ((guard* (and (functionp it) (not (symbolp it))))
        (funcall it))
-      ((guard (listp it))
+      ((guard* (listp it))
        (dolist (h it) (funcall h)))
       (t (helm-log-run-hook "helm--run-init-hooks" it)))))
@@ -4752,7 +4752,7 @@ useful when the order of the candidates is meaningful, 
e.g. with
                                                        pat diacritics))
                                            (helm-acase (split-string pattern 
"" t)
-                                             ((guard (string= "!" (car it))) 
+                                             ((guard* (string= "!" (car it))) 
                                              (t it)))
                          for p in patterns
                          ;; Multi matches (regexps patterns).
@@ -5341,7 +5341,7 @@ specified as respectively `helm-cand-num' and 
          `(mouse-face highlight
                       keymap ,map
                       help-echo ,(helm-acase (get-text-property start 
-                                   ((guard (stringp it))
+                                   ((guard* (stringp it))
                                     (concat it "\nmouse-1: select 
candidate\nmouse-3: menu actions"))
                                    (t "mouse-1: select candidate\nmouse-3: 
menu actions")))))
       (when num
@@ -6425,7 +6425,7 @@ message \\='no match'."
     (setq minibuffer-completion-confirm
           (helm-acase (helm-get-attr 'must-match src)
-            ((guard (and (functionp it)
+            ((guard* (and (functionp it)
                          (helm-get-selection nil nil src)))
              (if (funcall it guard) 'exit 'noexit))
             (t it)))))
diff --git a/helm-elisp.el b/helm-elisp.el
index d3bb9191b1..4219119d52 100644
--- a/helm-elisp.el
+++ b/helm-elisp.el
@@ -377,18 +377,18 @@ other window according to the value of
   (helm-acase (if (member candidate helm-lisp-completion-re-chars-classes)
                 (intern-soft candidate))
-    ((guard (stringp it))
+    ((guard* (stringp it))
      (helm-describe-re-char-classes it))
-    ((guard (and (fboundp it) (boundp it)))
+    ((guard* (and (fboundp it) (boundp it)))
      (if (member name `(,helm-describe-function-function
          (funcall (intern (format "helm-%s" name)) it)
        ;; When there is no way to know what to describe
        ;; prefer describe-function.
        (helm-describe-function it)))
-    ((guard (fboundp it)) (helm-describe-function it))
-    ((guard (boundp it))  (helm-describe-variable it))
-    ((guard (facep it))   (helm-describe-face it))))
+    ((guard* (fboundp it)) (helm-describe-function it))
+    ((guard* (boundp it))  (helm-describe-variable it))
+    ((guard* (facep it))   (helm-describe-face it))))
 (defun helm-elisp-show-help (candidate &optional name)
   "Show full help for the function CANDIDATE.
@@ -415,15 +415,15 @@ the same time to variable and a function."
            for sym = (if (string-match "\\`:[[:alpha:]]+:\\'" c)
                          c (intern-soft c))
            for annot = (helm-acase sym
-                         ((guard (stringp it))      "<reg> ")
-                         ((guard (commandp it))     "<com> ")
-                         ((guard (class-p it))      "<cla> ")
-                         ((guard (cl-generic-p it)) "<gen> ")
-                         ((guard (fboundp it))      "<fun> ")
-                         ((guard (keywordp it))     "<kwd> ")
-                         ((guard (boundp it))       "<var> ")
-                         ((guard (facep it))        "<fac> ")
-                         ((guard (helm-group-p it)) "<grp> ")
+                         ((guard* (stringp it))      "<reg> ")
+                         ((guard* (commandp it))     "<com> ")
+                         ((guard* (class-p it))      "<cla> ")
+                         ((guard* (cl-generic-p it)) "<gen> ")
+                         ((guard* (fboundp it))      "<fun> ")
+                         ((guard* (keywordp it))     "<kwd> ")
+                         ((guard* (boundp it))       "<var> ")
+                         ((guard* (facep it))        "<fac> ")
+                         ((guard* (helm-group-p it)) "<grp> ")
                          (t                         "      "))
            collect (cons (concat (helm-aand
@@ -444,23 +444,23 @@ Argument NAME allows specifiying what function to use to 
 documentation when SYM name is the same for function and variable."
   (let ((doc (condition-case _err
                  (helm-acase sym
-                   ((guard (stringp it))
+                   ((guard* (stringp it))
                     (cadr (split-string (helm-describe-re-char-classes-1 it) 
-                   ((guard (class-p it))
+                   ((guard* (class-p it))
                     (cl--class-docstring (cl--find-class it)))
-                   ((guard (and (fboundp it) (boundp it)))
+                   ((guard* (and (fboundp it) (boundp it)))
                     (if (string= name "describe-variable")
                         (documentation-property it 'variable-documentation t)
                       (documentation it t)))
-                   ((guard (custom-theme-p it))
+                   ((guard* (custom-theme-p it))
                     (documentation-property it 'theme-documentation t))
-                   ((guard (and (helm-group-p it) (not (fboundp it))))
+                   ((guard* (and (helm-group-p it) (not (fboundp it))))
                     (documentation-property it 'group-documentation t))
-                   ((guard (fboundp it))
+                   ((guard* (fboundp it))
                     (documentation it t))
-                   ((guard (boundp it))
+                   ((guard* (boundp it))
                     (documentation-property it 'variable-documentation t))
-                   ((guard (facep it)) (face-documentation it)))
+                   ((guard* (facep it)) (face-documentation it)))
                (void-function "Void function -- Not documented"))))
     (if (and doc (not (string= doc ""))
              ;; `documentation' return "\n\n(args...)"
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ documentation when SYM name is the same for function and 
         ;; <https://debbugs.gnu.org/70163>.
          (helm-acase (split-string (substitute-command-keys doc) "\n")
-           ((dst (l &rest args))
+           ((dst* (l &rest args))
             (if (string= l "") (cadr args) l)))
          end-column nil nil t)
       (if (or (symbol-function sym) (boundp sym) (facep sym) (helm-group-p 
@@ -780,16 +780,16 @@ is only used to test DEFAULT."
 (defun helm-info-lookup-fallback-source (candidate)
   (cl-multiple-value-bind (fn src-name)
       (helm-acase (helm-symbolify candidate)
-        ((guard (class-p it))
+        ((guard* (class-p it))
          (list #'helm-describe-function
                "Describe class"))
-        ((guard (cl-generic-p it))
+        ((guard* (cl-generic-p it))
          (list #'helm-describe-function
                "Describe generic function"))
-        ((guard (fboundp it))
+        ((guard* (fboundp it))
          (list #'helm-describe-function
                "Describe function"))
-        ((guard (facep it))
+        ((guard* (facep it))
          (list #'helm-describe-face
                "Describe face"))
diff --git a/helm-files.el b/helm-files.el
index 556dfe7359..bbcc2033c3 100644
--- a/helm-files.el
+++ b/helm-files.el
@@ -2443,7 +2443,7 @@ COUNT is used for incrementing new name if needed."
                                        (match-string 1 rep))
                                       (helm-acase (match-string 2 rep)
-                                        ((guard (string= it ""))
+                                        ((guard* (string= it ""))
                                          (length target))
                                         (t (string-to-number it))))
                                      t t rep))
@@ -3316,8 +3316,8 @@ editing absolute fnames in previous Emacs versions."
 (defun helm-ff--tramp-cons-or-vector (vector-or-cons)
   "Return VECTOR-OR-CONS as a vector."
   (helm-acase vector-or-cons
-    ((guard (and (consp it) (cdr it))) (vconcat guard))
-    ((guard (vectorp it)) it)
+    ((guard* (and (consp it) (cdr it))) (vconcat guard))
+    ((guard* (vectorp it)) it)
     (t (error "Wrong type argument: %s" it))))
 (defun helm-ff--get-tramp-methods ()
@@ -5221,7 +5221,7 @@ Special commands:
           (cl-loop with scale = (image-compute-scaling-factor nil)
                    for (disp . img) in candidates
                    for type = (helm-acase (file-name-extension img)
-                                ((guard (and (member it '("png" "jpg" "jpeg"))
+                                ((guard* (and (member it '("png" "jpg" "jpeg"))
diff --git a/helm-grep.el b/helm-grep.el
index bbc5dfc84e..f354709133 100644
--- a/helm-grep.el
+++ b/helm-grep.el
@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ Have no effect when grep backend use \"--color=\"."
     ;; Use ack-grep for PCRE based tools.
     ;; Sometimes ack-grep cmd is ack only so compare by matching ack.
-    ((guard (string-match-p "ack" it))
+    ((guard* (string-match-p "ack" it))
      (format "%s --smart-case --color %s" it pipe-switches))))
 (defun helm-grep--prepare-cmd-line (only-files &optional include zgrep)
diff --git a/helm-imenu.el b/helm-imenu.el
index f610a39171..529d75df7a 100644
--- a/helm-imenu.el
+++ b/helm-imenu.el
@@ -408,9 +408,9 @@ The sexp should be an `all-the-icons' function with its 
                         ;; Semantic uses overlays whereas imenu uses
                         ;; markers (Bug#1706).
                         (setcdr elm (helm-acase (cdr elm) ; Same as [1].
-                                      ((guard (overlayp it))
+                                      ((guard* (overlayp it))
                                        (copy-overlay it))
-                                      ((guard (or (markerp it) (integerp it)))
+                                      ((guard* (or (markerp it) (integerp it)))
                                        (copy-marker it))))
                         (list elm))))))
@@ -444,8 +444,8 @@ The icon is found in `helm-imenu-icon-type-alist', if not
            ;; (k . v) == (symbol-name . marker)
            for bufname = (buffer-name
                           (helm-acase v
-                            ((guard (overlayp it)) (overlay-buffer it))
-                            ((guard (markerp it)) (marker-buffer it))))
+                            ((guard* (overlayp it)) (overlay-buffer it))
+                            ((guard* (markerp it)) (marker-buffer it))))
            for types = (or (helm-imenu--get-prop k)
                            (list (if (with-current-buffer bufname
                                        (derived-mode-p 'prog-mode))
diff --git a/helm-lib.el b/helm-lib.el
index 70c12b1515..84a73b0164 100644
--- a/helm-lib.el
+++ b/helm-lib.el
@@ -564,30 +564,32 @@ is usable in next condition."
 and `cond'.
 KEYLIST can be any object that will be compared with `equal' or
-an expression starting with `guard' which is then evaluated.
-Once evaluated `guard' is bound to the returned value that can be
-used in the cdr of clause.  When KEYLIST match EXPR or `guard'
-evaluation is non-nil, BODY is executed and `helm-acase' exits
-with its value.
+an expression starting with special symbol `guard*' which is then
+evaluated.  Once evaluated the symbol `guard' is bound to the
+returned value that can be used in the cdr of clause.  When
+KEYLIST match EXPR or `guard*' sexp evaluation is non-nil, BODY is
+executed and `helm-acase' exits with its value.
-KEYLIST can also be a list starting with `dst' followed by an expression
-suitable for `cl-destructuring-bind'.  In this case all elements of `it' are
-bound to the elements of this expression e.g.
+KEYLIST can also be a list starting with special symbol `dst*'
+followed by an expression suitable for `cl-destructuring-bind'.
+In this case all elements of `it' are bound to the elements of
+this expression e.g.
     (helm-acase \\='(1 2 3 4 5)
-      ((dst (l &rest args)) args))
+      ((dst* (l &rest args)) args))
     => (2 3 4 5)
 If KEYLIST is a list, it is compared with EXPR, also each
 elements of the list are checked with `member' to see if one
-matches EXPR e.g.
+matches EXPR, as a special case, the special symbols `guard*' and
+`dst*' have to NOT be at start of such list.
 The last clause can use `t' or \\='otherwise as KEYLIST to specify a
 fallback clause when previous clauses didn't match, if such a clause
 starting with `t' or \\='otherwise is specified before last clause it
 will override all next clauses, if you want to match an EXPR value equal
 to `t' in any clauses quote it, i.e. `'t' or use an explicit
-\(guard (eq it t)).
+\(guard* (eq it t)).
 EXPR is bound to a temporary variable called `it' which is
 usable in all clauses to refer to EXPR.
@@ -597,8 +599,8 @@ usable in all clauses to refer to EXPR.
   (unless (null clauses)
     (let* ((clause1  (car clauses))
            (key      (car clause1))
-           (isguard  (eq 'guard (car-safe key)))
-           (isdst    (eq 'dst (car-safe key)))
+           (isguard  (eq 'guard* (car-safe key)))
+           (isdst    (eq 'dst* (car-safe key)))
            (special  (or isguard isdst))
            (sexp     (and isguard (cadr key)))
            (dst-sexp (and isdst (cadr key))))
@@ -791,7 +793,7 @@ displayed in BUFNAME."
 (defun helm-help-org-cycle ()
   "Runs `org-cycle' in `helm-help'."
   (helm-acase (helm-iter-next helm-help--iter-org-state)
-    ((guard (numberp it)) (org-content))
+    ((guard* (numberp it)) (org-content))
     ;; See `helm--help-org-prefargs' about `org-cycle' ARG.
     (t (org-cycle it))))
@@ -1160,9 +1162,9 @@ Examples:
   "Return the representation of ELM as a string.
 ELM can be a string, a number or a symbol."
   (helm-acase elm
-    ((guard (stringp it)) it)
-    ((guard (numberp it)) (number-to-string it))
-    ((guard (symbolp it)) (symbol-name it))))
+    ((guard* (stringp it)) it)
+    ((guard* (numberp it)) (number-to-string it))
+    ((guard* (symbolp it)) (symbol-name it))))
 (defun helm-substring (str width)
   "Return the substring of string STR from 0 to WIDTH.
@@ -1377,13 +1379,13 @@ in LIST to be displayed in PROMPT."
                        (apply #'format
                               (concat prompt "[y,n,!,q,h]")
                               (helm-acase prompt-formater
-                                ((guard (consp it))
+                                ((guard* (consp it))
                                  (mapcar (lambda (x)
                                            (if (functionp x)
                                                (funcall x elm)
-                                ((guard (functionp it))
+                                ((guard* (functionp it))
                                  (list (funcall it elm)))
                                 (t (list elm))))
                        '("y" "n" "!" "q")
@@ -1407,7 +1409,7 @@ This avoid possible infloop when a wrong regexp is 
entered in minibuffer."
   ;; See Issue#2652 and Issue#2653.
   (let ((pos (point)))
     (helm-acase (re-search-forward regexp bound noerror count)
-      ((guard (eql it pos)) nil)
+      ((guard* (eql it pos)) nil)
       (t it))))
 ;;; Symbols routines
@@ -1415,7 +1417,7 @@ This avoid possible infloop when a wrong regexp is 
entered in minibuffer."
 (defun helm-symbolify (str-or-sym)
   "Get symbol of STR-OR-SYM."
   (helm-acase str-or-sym
-    ((guard (symbolp it)) it)
+    ((guard* (symbolp it)) it)
     ("" nil)
     (t (intern it))))
@@ -1823,7 +1825,7 @@ is same as with PARENT."
 It is done according to `helm-current-directory-alist'."
    (helm-acase major-mode
-     ((guard (assoc-default it helm-current-directory-alist))
+     ((guard* (assoc-default it helm-current-directory-alist))
       (helm-interpret-value guard))
      (t default-directory))))
@@ -2149,7 +2151,7 @@ flex or helm-flex completion style if present."
        (helm-acase (cdr (assq from helm-completion-styles-alist))
-         ((dst (_l &rest args)) args))
+         ((dst* (_l &rest args)) args))
        ;; We need to have flex always behind helm, otherwise
        ;; when matching against e.g. '(foo foobar foao frogo bar
        ;; baz) with pattern "foo" helm style if before flex will
diff --git a/helm-mode.el b/helm-mode.el
index d0d8b5fdde..9a447e9ae5 100644
--- a/helm-mode.el
+++ b/helm-mode.el
@@ -1433,8 +1433,8 @@ This handler should be used when candidate list doesn't 
need to be rebuilt
 dynamically otherwise use `helm-completing-read-default-2'."
   (let* ((history (or (car-safe hist) hist))
          (initial-input (helm-acase init
-                          ((guard (stringp it)) it)
-                          ((guard (consp it)) (car it))))
+                          ((guard* (stringp it)) it)
+                          ((guard* (consp it)) (car it))))
          (minibuffer-completion-table collection)
          (metadata (or (completion-metadata (or initial-input "") collection 
@@ -1521,8 +1521,8 @@ This handler uses dynamic matching which allows honouring 
   (let* ((completion-lazy-hilit t)
          (history (or (car-safe hist) hist))
          (input (helm-acase init
-                  ((guard (stringp it)) it)
-                  ((guard (consp it)) (car it))))
+                  ((guard* (stringp it)) it)
+                  ((guard* (consp it)) (car it))))
          (completion-flex-nospace t)
          (minibuffer-completion-table collection)
          ;; (completion-styles
@@ -2783,7 +2783,7 @@ Can be used for `completion-in-region-function' by 
advicing it with an
         (when (and (stringp string) exit-fun)
           (funcall exit-fun string
                    (helm-acase (try-completion initial-input collection 
-                     ((guard (and (stringp it)
+                     ((guard* (and (stringp it)
                                   (or (string-match "/\\'" it)
                                       ;; Fix bug#2669.
                                       (string-match "/\\'" string))))
diff --git a/helm-ring.el b/helm-ring.el
index 2aeee576be..18f08346ea 100644
--- a/helm-ring.el
+++ b/helm-ring.el
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ yanked string."
     (goto-char marker)
     (forward-line 0)
     (let ((line (helm-acase (thing-at-point 'line)
-                  ((guard (and (stringp it)
+                  ((guard* (and (stringp it)
                                (not (string-match-p "\\`\n?\\'" it))))
                    (car (split-string it "[\n\r]")))
                   (t "<EMPTY LINE>"))))
@@ -620,8 +620,8 @@ See (info \"(emacs) Keyboard Macros\") for detailed infos."
                      for keys = (if (functionp km)
                                     (kmacro--keys km)
                                   (helm-acase (car km)
-                                    ((guard (vectorp it)) it)
-                                    ((guard (stringp it))
+                                    ((guard* (vectorp it)) it)
+                                    ((guard* (stringp it))
                                      (kmacro--to-vector it))))
                      vconcat keys)))))
diff --git a/helm-utils.el b/helm-utils.el
index 72dc7034cd..5678b964d9 100644
--- a/helm-utils.el
+++ b/helm-utils.el
@@ -938,16 +938,16 @@ Optional arguments START, END and FACE are only here for 
debugging purpose."
         ;; `helm-highlight-matches-around-point-max-lines' is
         ;; compared as a number by other clauses and return an error.
         (never (cl-return-from helm-highlight-current-line))
-        ((dst (x . y))
+        ((dst* (x . y))
          (setq start-match (save-excursion (forward-line (- x)) (pos-bol))
                end-match   (save-excursion (forward-line y) (pos-bol))))
-        ((guard (or (null it) (zerop it)))
+        ((guard* (or (null it) (zerop it)))
          (setq start-match start
                end-match   end))
-        ((guard (< it 0))
+        ((guard* (< it 0))
          (setq start-match (save-excursion (forward-line it) (pos-bol))
                end-match   start))
-        ((guard (> it 0))
+        ((guard* (> it 0))
          (setq start-match start
                end-match   (save-excursion (forward-line it) (pos-bol)))))
       (catch 'empty-line

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