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Re: [emacs-humanities] Using Binder

From: Paul W. Rankin
Subject: Re: [emacs-humanities] Using Binder
Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2022 15:41:23 +1000
User-agent: Purely Mail via Roundcube/1.6.0

On 2022-12-28 01:28, Jean-Christophe Helary wrote:
I'm actually using side-note/olivetti quite a lot and I find it's too bad that the note feature in binder is not compatible with the side-note data. But I like the idea of having the note associated to the file in an elisp structure.

There's admittedly some functional overlap between binder and side-notes packages, but there's no way to make them compatible because as you've discovered, binder uses a lisp data structure whereas the side-note file is just a text file in the current/parent directory.

The file set I work with at the moment is a big DocBook set with a lot of very precise XML IDs and I'd love to find a way to navigate the IDs over the whole set without having to enter the files.

You might like Neotree or Treemacs for this. They leverage Imenu and combine with a file/directory structure. Those were too complex for my needs so I wrote a simpler single-file Imenu navigation package called Side-Hustle:


Tbh I find myself using side-hustle/side-notes more than Binder.

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