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Re: exporting to PDF multi-lingual document

From: Stefan Nobis
Subject: Re: exporting to PDF multi-lingual document
Date: Sun, 02 Jul 2023 16:55:53 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.2 (darwin)

andrés ramírez <rrandresf@hotmail.com> writes:

> I have tried the snippet. But It shows just Japanese and the other
> paragraphs are not present on the PDF.

That's quite strange. I just re-tested with emacs -Q (Emacs 28.2 with
integrated Org 9.5.5). It generates the following tex file:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---

% Created 2023-07-02 Sun 16:49
% Intended LaTeX compiler: lualatex
\title{Doc multi-lingual}
 pdftitle={Doc multi-lingual},
 pdfcreator={Emacs 28.2 (Org mode 9.5.5)}, 


Ceci c'est en Français

--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

When I compile this file with lualatex, everything looks as expected
to me. BTW: I'm using TeX Live 2023 with all recent updates.

Also, from the LaTeX perspective I see nothing that should prevent the
latin letters from being shown in the final PDF. Here are the fonts

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---

% pdffonts foo.pdf
name                                 type              encoding         emb sub 
uni object ID
------------------------------------ ----------------- ---------------- --- --- 
--- ---------
BRVOXH+LMRoman17-Regular             CID Type 0C       Identity-H       yes yes 
yes      8  0
XVVEIR+LMRoman12-Bold                CID Type 0C       Identity-H       yes yes 
yes     10  0
HIWCUH+LMRoman10-Regular             CID Type 0C       Identity-H       yes yes 
yes     11  0
EPCPZB+HaranoAjiMincho-Regular       CID Type 0C       Identity-H       yes yes 
yes     15  0

--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Maybe there are some other configurations on the Emacs or LaTeX side
on your system that changes some of the defaults?

Until the next mail...,

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