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Re: Support for buffer-column-aligned tables in Org?

From: Samuel Wales
Subject: Re: Support for buffer-column-aligned tables in Org?
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2023 16:14:00 -0700

ignore the 2 spaces before width in row 2

On 10/25/23, Samuel Wales <samologist@gmail.com> wrote:
> long shot but try align.el maybe?  column -t or similar?
> ===
> fwiw a more advanced version: cells shouodb e presumed to be in their
> own columns even if missing.
> length  20  H  width  20  depth  20
> length  2        width  20  depth  20
> i mainly want to compact these column tables by reducing extraneous
> whitespece beetween columns to the miimum whitespace necessary while
> retaining all columns.
> an org table would be itnerestig.
> i have long wondered if org tables could be converted into a minimal
> column-based ascii table such as yours, to preserve horizontal space.
> On 10/25/23, Jens Schmidt <jschmidt4gnu@vodafonemail.de> wrote:
>> Is there any kind of support (also by non-core extensions) for tables
>> in Org that are entirely organized along buffer columns?  Some magic
>> (= clever heuristics) that recognizes the following as a table with
>> four columns, the first three left-aligned, the last right-aligned:
>>         <6>                             1.0
>>      1  one                  some      10.0
>>      2  two                  boring   100.0
>>      3  This is a long text  column  1000.0
>> By "organized along buffer columns" I mean that basically any kind of
>> white-space should be allowed to align the columns in the buffer.
>> By "any kind of support" I mean:
>> - one-time conversion support to an Org table along the lines of C-c |
>> - or edit/export support of such tables w/o the need to convert them
>>   to an Org table first.
>> I tried searching but failed to find search terms that are specific
>> enough to find anything useful.
>> Thanks.
> --
> The Kafka Pandemic
> A blog about science, health, human rights, and misopathy:
> https://thekafkapandemic.blogspot.com

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