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Re: 2022-06-06 Emacs news

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Re: 2022-06-06 Emacs news
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2022 23:32:58 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/+ () (2022-05-21)

* Sacha Chua <sacha@sachachua.com> [2022-06-07 19:26]:
> If people would like to volunteer to do even more, it might be fun to add
> some of the particularly useful links into, say, the EmacsWiki. Org
> workflows, programming configs, neat demos, Dired or eshell tricks...
> People could take charge of their favourite interests and add stuff as they
> come across neat links in news. Could be fun?

Emacs News is basically collection of links. 

My suggestion is that you setup a database with title, description and
URL, and then let people add to it on a website, as the database will
make sure that links are unique. Then you will know what is new and
what not.


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