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Re: 2022-06-06 Emacs news

From: Marcin Borkowski
Subject: Re: 2022-06-06 Emacs news
Date: Wed, 08 Jun 2022 18:03:23 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.1.0; emacs 29.0.50

On 2022-06-07, at 17:48, Tom Davey <tom@tomdavey.com> wrote:

> The regular listing of the threads in progress on the Emacs developer list 
> is, by itself, invaluable. How Sacha is able to discover and write about so 
> much else is beyond my comprehension. For us, the readers, Emacs News makes 
> visible the vigorously beating heart of today's Emacs, increasingly from 
> around the world.

This.  I unsubscribed from emacs-devel some time ago because of the
volume.  What Sacha does with the summarizng of emacs-devel is
incredibly useful.

Also, while blogs are easy to follow because of
https://planet.emacslife.com/ (which, by the way, is also maintained by
Sacha!), there are lots of things on e.g. Reddit I would never know
about if not for her work.

> Sacha, thank you.

Yes, thousand times thank you!

Marcin Borkowski

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