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[ESPResSo-users] ESPResSo Summer School 2012

From: ESPResSo Summer School Organizers
Subject: [ESPResSo-users] ESPResSo Summer School 2012
Date: Mon, 06 Aug 2012 15:57:23 +0200
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Hello everybody!

With this mailing, we want to invite you to the ESPResSo Summer School 2012

  "Simulating Soft Matter with ESPResSo, ESPResSo++ and VOTCA"

which will take place

  on October 8-12, 2012
  at the Institute for Computational Physics
  at the University of Stuttgart, Germany

The school consists of lectures and hands-on sessions in two tracks,
both for beginners as well as for experienced users and developers of
ESPResSo and ESPResSo++. Furthermore, there will be a poster session,
where participants have the opportunity to discuss their projects with
the other participants and the speakers, and a number of scientific
talks where scientists will present recent research projects that were
done with any of the software packages.

The school is generously supported by CECAM and the SimTech Cluster of

If you want to register, or if you are interested in further details,
have a look at the homepage of the school:

Best regards

  The organization team of the ESPResSo Summer School 2012

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