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[Fsfe-newsfr-en] FSF France news 29/10/2001

From: fsfe-newsfr-en-admin
Subject: [Fsfe-newsfr-en] FSF France news 29/10/2001
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2001 21:30:08 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.23i


Here are the news from FSF France on 29/10/2001.

News FSF France in text (see attachment for HTML with links) :

|                       FSF France News                       |
||Brave GNU World issue #32                                  ||
||26 October 2001. The latest issue of Georg's Brave Gnu     ||
||world is out. This month's items : Ganesha's Projekt (Free ||
||Software helps stopping child labor in Nepal),             ||
||Logidee-tools (more efficient creation of courses and      ||
||tutorials), HTMLDOC (making information accessible based on||
||HTML), GNU Passwords On Card (store your passwords in a    ||
||secure way) and Sketch (Free Software vector drawing & a   ||
||new way of support). Read the article.                     ||


Olivier BERGER - Secr?taire de l'association APRIL 
APRIL (http://www.april.org) - Vive python (http://www.python.org)
P?tition contre les brevets logiciels : http://petition.eurolinux.org
FSF France News
Brave GNU World issue #32
26 October 2001. The latest issue of Georg's Brave Gnu world is out. This month's items : Ganesha's Projekt (Free Software helps stopping child labor in Nepal), Logidee-tools (more efficient creation of courses and tutorials), HTMLDOC (making information accessible based on HTML), GNU Passwords On Card (store your passwords in a secure way) and Sketch (Free Software vector drawing & a new way of support). Read the article.

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