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[Fsfe-newsfr-en] FSF France news 31/10/2001

From: fsfe-newsfr-en-admin
Subject: [Fsfe-newsfr-en] FSF France news 31/10/2001
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 21:30:08 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.23i


Here are the news from FSF France on 31/10/2001.

News FSF France in text (see attachment for HTML with links) :

|                       FSF France News                       |
||Free Software in Portugal                                  ||
||30 October 2001. On October 12th, the city of Porto hosted ||
||the second edition of Porto Cidade Tecnol?gica 2001, an    ||
||event dedicated to Free Software in Portugal. In an old    ||
||market slightly above the river, a conference room was     ||
||installed in the center. Booths, cyber cafe and install    ||
||parties surrounded it. The city of Porto provided the      ||
||organisational infrastructure and many people supported the||
||initiative.                                                ||


Olivier BERGER - Secr?taire de l'association APRIL 
APRIL (http://www.april.org) - Vive python (http://www.python.org)
P?tition contre les brevets logiciels : http://petition.eurolinux.org
FSF France News
Free Software in Portugal
30 October 2001. On October 12th, the city of Porto hosted the second edition of Porto Cidade Tecnol?gica 2001, an event dedicated to Free Software in Portugal. In an old market slightly above the river, a conference room was installed in the center. Booths, cyber cafe and install parties surrounded it. The city of Porto provided the organisational infrastructure and many people supported the initiative.

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