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Re: [Fsfe-uk] Proof of how scared senseless higher ed is of MS

From: Martin WHEELER
Subject: Re: [Fsfe-uk] Proof of how scared senseless higher ed is of MS
Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2003 11:26:25 +0000 (UTC)

On 26 Jul 2003, Paul wrote:

>  Unfortunately, those with the power equate best tool
> with MS without actually knowing either (a) what they're talking about
> and (b) having looked at any of the alternatives.

Absolutely spot on, however brutally frank it may come over to the
appeasers.  As is your assertion that FE is scared senseless.
(My personal experiences with Strode College in Street, however
hilarious and kafkaesqque, are ultimately even worse than your own.)
However, knowing this to be true is of absolutely no practical
usefulness whatsoever.

Now what we need to do is find a gentle way of persuading them that this
really *is* the case, and affects them just as badly as their critics.
Criticising them head on leads no further than vicious (and I mean
*vicious*) defence of entrenched positions and attitudes, strengthening
only all the 'wrong' ideologies.

Offer them [paid] re-training in alternatives to MS, and you can
move them over.  Otherwise you're banging your head against a brick wall
made of lecturers/employees >>terrified<< of losing their jobs or having
to re-train at their own expense, and unwilling to move from a position
of perceived security to one of dubious insecurity.

Ian -- care to give us a quick resume of all the different types of Govt
funding available for re-training recalcitrant recidivists in the FE
sector?  In industry?

> That said, the ones I really feel sorry for are the ones who know they
> shouldn't be using MS, but carry on doing so

In the education sector, this is probably a higher percentage than you
expect.  (I have no figures; but plenty of experience "talking around".)
But the inertia you have to overcome is unbelievable.  And frankly, not
worth bothering to push against.
Demonstrate by example wherever possible, and let the herd follow of
their own accord.

>  In one part of the school I
> have managed to duplicate everything we use under Windows under Linux
> but no-one will take the plunge. They won't even allow dual boot...

You have all my sympathies.

But you do realise, don't you, that if ever any move towards an
alternative to MS products is perceived as being in the interests of the
organisation, it will be led not by you, but by politically astute
creatures who will assimilate all your proselytizing ardour and work,
and convert it to their own personal advantage?

In any organisation, advocating alternatives is empire-building; and
will be dealt with as such.

Who do you want to be -- Stalin or Stakhanov?

Martin Wheeler   -   StarTEXT / AVALONIX - Glastonbury - BA6 9PH - England
address@hidden                http://www.startext.co.uk/mwheeler/
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