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[Gnash-dev] RTMP packet dumps

From: Rob Savoye
Subject: [Gnash-dev] RTMP packet dumps
Date: Wed, 07 May 2008 13:17:16 -0600
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080226)

I've been working steadily on cleaning up the RTMP support in
Gnash/Cygnal, and realized I need more raw packets to use for testing of
encoding and decoding. These need to be done between the other player
and an FMS server, so I need to still ask somebody else to do this for
me. Part of the problem is finding sites that use either Red5 or FMS 3.
I've been using Red5 on the server side, and recently think I found a
subtle bug in their RTMP implementation, so I'd like to compare it
against a real FMS server. You can tell the difference as the server
type in the raw file is in ASCII.

The ones I've been working from cover the basics of getting connected,
and streaming video, and the handful of common error messages, but I
need more than that. I'm very interested in any of the command messages
like Ping, or anything using remoting and server side ActionScript.

Both ngrep and tcpdump can both be used. I prefer the raw files from
tcpdump myself, as I can then output in a variety of formats, and also
use the raw bytes to add to the RTMP test cases. This way I can test
much of the RTMP code without needing a server.

As I collect packets, I've also been turning them into color coded
annotated notes for the Gnashdev wiki. The beginning of this is at Extra points for adding
the color coding yourself to your dumps. :-) There are other docs on
RTMP at to help with this.

        - rob -

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