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Re: [Gnash-dev] iPlayer using gnash

From: Matthew Spencer
Subject: Re: [Gnash-dev] iPlayer using gnash
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2009 19:01:05 +0100

Hi Guys

Quick status update, I am at the point where the initial handshake seems to be working now.  I am not getting a vaild response to the 'connect' packet sent.  I do have a fallback position in that I have wrapped flvstreamer as a gstreamer plugin and am able to play contend using rtmp through this framework so I will be spending some time over the next day or so working out what the differences are between gnash and flvstreamer at the packet level.

Again, I must apologize if any of my questions in this thread have seemed a bit naive, but I am new to both gnash and actionscript, so this is being a challenging project for me!



2009/9/15 Rob Savoye <address@hidden>
On 09/15/09 02:17, Matthew Spencer wrote:

I have now integrated the code, but it seems to be acting as it was with the
old version of NetConnection_as.cpp.  Could I ask a few more questions:

 You'd need to uncomment the lines in asobj/flash/net/ to build it there, and not build the version in asobj, which is the old one.

1, what is the best way to see what is happening in the actionscript?  My
understanding is that the code will normally fail silently if there are
unimplemented functions, is it possible for me to track these (bearing in
mind that I have not written the iPlayer code and have no visibility of how
they have implemented their rtmp streaming client side).

 I use the Gnash debug log for seeing what is happening, combined with either wireshark, tcpdump, or ngrep running in another window. I spend *huge* amounts of time analyzing the actual network traffic.

 The other thing I do alot of is write specialized testcases (network.all), and combined with the above is how I've done most of my work. For more info, track down the video of my RTMP reverse engineering talk from FOSDEM this year. There are also some good docs on the wiki, complete with beautiful color coded decodings of RTMP based video streaming.

2, Which documents are you using for your actionscript reference?  I notice
that you have a property NetConnection.isConnected, but according to the
flash 9 specs (

 isConnected() changed somewhat between swf v8 & v9/10.

3, What is the process for pushing patches upstream?  Do I send them to the
list?  I would be happy to send the initial work I have done to get the code
compiling somewhere for review.

 As noted, the patch tracker on savannah is good, email to this list works also.

       - rob -

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