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Re: How to obtain call duration?

From: Herbert Demmel
Subject: Re: How to obtain call duration?
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 09:45:17 +0200

At 21:19 15.10.2002 +0530, you wrote:
> This is not an easy question. Maybe some methods will work with your phone,
> others not. You can try the followings:
> * Using the call management api (see gsm-call.c). The nk6100.c driver
>   supports it, maybe the nk6510 driver can be converted if the
>   P6510_IncomingCommStatus function is working (Markus?)
> * You can poll the display status (see gnokii --getdisplaystatus)
> Bye,
> Bozo
> --__--__--

I'm happy to workaround and get a phone where some method
works. Current problem is when I dial a number and if it
just ringing at other side, gnokii --getdisplaystatus shows
"active call" message and when both the parties are
connected it shows "active call". I'm not able to find out
at what point actually both parties started talking.

I got a datasuite to see if there is anything according to
etsi AT command set but not much help. There is something
Advice of Charge AT+CAOC but this just displays zeros
everytime. I'm ready to log and share info.

If there is any other trick/pointer? Is there something
which phone sends to PC after dialing and as soon as other
end pickups the phone?

Any Help/Pointers?

If you need the requested functionality only for one PC (that means you do not want to have to write your own app) have a look at Cellular Essentials from (once again, sorry to the group, I do not want to make some advertising here) it counts the time of the call starting from the connection (not for the 3210 and 33xx phones, but all others).


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