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Newbie: Getting started Nokia 6310i

From: Simon Waters
Subject: Newbie: Getting started Nokia 6310i
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 20:01:07 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.2.1) Gecko/20021130

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Ok, I needed a sample ".gnokiirc" (could the programs warn about not
finding it? -- just a thought) serial cable isn't a serial but a DLR-3P,
I needed "rw" to /dev/ttyS1....

Okay my phone identifies under Debian unstable using the bundled
packages - cool, I can read and write contacts etc.

Now MY contacts are in an LDAP database (where else would you keep
them?). Where now to get them (well the most useful 500) loaded?

With the 9110 I wrote a small PERL script on the OpenLDAP server to
convert from LDIF into whatever bizarre format Nokia had dreamt up, and
that worked pretty well, and I cheated and fed it in via Windows - oops.
But the format didn't have weird groups or otherstuff like that, just
names addresses and phone numbers.

So can anyone point me at ready made utilities, or do I need to write a
script to convert from LDIF. If so should it target the format used by
xgnokii for saving contacts, or the format produced by the commandline
tool. Would it be of any use to anyone else - my Perl isn't exactly
great but everyone has to learn.

The Windows apps for the 6310i really sucks mud big time, in comparison
xgnokii is elegantly simple to use (although I can see a need for me to
contribute some documentation patches, if only to remind me of what I
did in 2 years time ;-)

 Thanks for all the hard work,


PS: Why is no Nokia documentation available? Have we reached the point
where asking Nokia is pointless, as some Linux types around here are
getting militant on these things, and Nokia won't like that.
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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