Dom, 2006-12-03 às 12:26 -0500, rjack escreveu:
"I'm the general counsel of the Free Software Foundation, and I'm trying
to report on the revolution which is destroying intellectual property.
Of which I am entirely in favour."
How the hell do you get "can happily coexist" and "destroying
intellectual property" to logically fit together?
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's probably a duck. . .
It's an economic model that hopes to destroy capitalistic notions of
intellectual property.
Intelligent people don't fall for the notion that thoughts can be made
property and repudiate the term "intellectual property" which was
invented as a for to create positive thinking about very different
government granted monopoly rights as if they were one and the very same
We're all in favour of destroying "intellectual property", but don't
mind at all balanced laws over copyright, patents, trademarks, etc...