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[open-cobol-list] suggested addition to main()

From: David Korn
Subject: [open-cobol-list] suggested addition to main()
Date: Thu May 20 06:07:09 2004

I have now integrated embedded cobol processing (currently using db2)
into the cobol compilation process.  However, programs that have
embedded cobol are required to connect to the db2 server so
I had to make some modifications to the code that I had copied
over from MVS since db2 there does not require this from within
the program.

It would be nice if the generation of the main() program
contained a call to cob_enter() before invoking the top level procedure
and to cob_exit() after returning from main().  The cob library should
have dummy functions for these and also for cob_abort() that gets called
when a program abends.   This way, programs that use embeded
sql could then be linked with
        -ldb2 -lcob
with the db2 library providing its own cob_enter(), cob_exit(),
and cob_abort() functions to connect/disconnect to/from the
database and to provide rollback of transactions.

David Korn

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