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[open-cobol-list] Call For COBOL creators (meeting Sept 20th)

From: boscagarda-programming
Subject: [open-cobol-list] Call For COBOL creators (meeting Sept 20th)
Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2008 13:05:59 -0700 (PDT)

Howdy yall!

We've been talking about all the exciting things that Roger has
done with Open Cobol. Thanks to his hard work and dedication
OC is really a workable solution for so many of us and so many
projects that we have in mind. More and more of us are starting
to talk and collaborate on using OC to compile COBOL programs
that meet the needs of all of us at large.

Some examples include a potential code generator, some
open Accounting modules, Payroll, employee timeclocks
and lots of other things. We're also talking about battering
out some standards for how, we as a group that share COBOL
code with each other, write our code. Copybooks are something
that we most definitely need. Such as a copybook for connecting
to MySQL or Postgres, even Oracle. Since OC has an excellent
CALL statement, we could use this to achieve our ends without
burdening Roger.  Copybooks for web server variables, GETS
and POSTS or for sending web pages back out (CGI) are a
desired goal as well. Of course, this is just a brief list of ideas
and we've not fleshed them out here. I'm just throwing them
to yall so that you can get an idea of the scope several of us
OC users are thinking.

In all of this of course we have a lot of practical considerations.
To achieve and sort of real success we need to put our minds together.
Of course those of us involved so far, are leaning towards our
combined code being FOSS (GNU GPL2/3?). So anyone that
participates, and even those that do not, would be able to take
our work, expand upon it and use it in interesting ways.

With that in mind a few of us are going to meet on an upcoming
Saturday in IRC. After we are together I might connect up WEBEX
just so we can talk in voice. Or perhaps just SKYPE or some similar
tool. However IRC should be enough to get us going on these
tasks. Even if you are new to COBOL, or are just interested in
watching the proceedings, or throwing out ideas for tools you would
like to see developed, you are more than welcome to come. The
more the merrier.

Channel: #add1tocobol
When: To be announced. Please let me know your preference.
  If at all possible please state your time and time zone UTC.
  Most likely though we are leaning towards Morning,
  about 9am Eastern Time. That's  UTC - 5 hours.
  So UTC Time is: 2:00pm (14:00).

We have a lot to start knocking out and look forward to all that
wish to come. I do want to emphasize this is not a projected
supported or endorsed by Roger or Open Cobol. We're just
some folks getting together on our own. Also we wont be working
on the Open COBOL compiler code. Rather, we will be working
on code in COBOL itself.

Any questions feel to email me or contact us via #add1tocobol
on Freenode. If you go into the channel, msg me directly and
be aware please you might have to wait a while. Lots of us
that are there are very busy. But if you are patient and wait,
we'll say hi as soon as we are at our computers and see
you there.

Many Kind Regards

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