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Re: [open-cobol-list] SQLBEX - Bus Error(coredump)

From: Sergey Kashyrin
Subject: Re: [open-cobol-list] SQLBEX - Bus Error(coredump)
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2012 10:36:59 -0400

Hi Michael,
Don't mix "sqlbex" (lowercase) with SQLBEX (uppercase). I have no idea why it can find that.
Another thing what I see on my SPARC are specific CFLAGS/LDFLAGS (if you are using SUN C/C++ and not GNU):
CFLAGS=-xarch=v9 -xmemalign=8i
LDFLAGS=-xarch=v9 -xmemalign=8i
LIBS=   ${ORACLE_HOME}/precomp/lib/cobsqlintf.o \
        -lpthread -ldl -lnsl -L${ORACLE_HOME}/lib -lclntsh \
        -L/usr/local/lib/sparcv9 -lcob -lgmp
but basically you need to link  $ORACLE_HOME/precomp/lib/cobsqlintf.o into your executable
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 9:55 AM
Subject: [open-cobol-list] SQLBEX - Bus Error(coredump)


I would like to ask the following questions:

1. When will it be possible to register as a new user in the im OpenCOBOL-Forum again?
For weeks I have been getting the following message when trying to register: "Sorry, we are currently closed for new user registrations".

2. A Cobol-Programme which accesses Oracle aborts with the following error message: "Bus Error(coredump)"

The abort occurred after the call of sqlbex although sqlbex was found. Otherwise there would have been a different kind of error message. The previousliy called sqladr was processed error-free. This concerns a Cobol-Subroutine which was compiled in the following manner:

cobc -m R1031V.cob -L${ORACLE_HOME}/lib –lclntsh


The subprogram also exists in the assigned library:

EP30 /oracle/HMOT/lib>nm -A |grep -i sqlbex [43484]   |       1977344|          76|FUNC |GLOB |0    |9      |sqlbex

This was also the library which was actually used:

EP30 /oracle/HMOT/lib>ls -l
lrwxrwxrwx   1 nagios   dba           17 Feb 24 10:19 ->*
EP30 /oracle/HMOT/lib>

The Environment:

SunOS 5.10

OpenCOBOL 1.0

Oracle Procob


The numeric value of the error message varied through several program-runs:

/export/home/koerner/source/starte_OCMAIN01_test.ksh[67]: 1491 Bus Error(coredump)

/export/home/koerner/source/starte_OCMAIN01_test.ksh[67]: 18733 Bus Error(coredump)

/export/home/koerner/source/starte_OCMAIN01_test.ksh[67]: 28861 Bus Error(coredump)

What cause can be responsible for the abort of the program?

What are your compiler and start jobs like for Oracle-accessing Cobol-programs?


Best wishes and thanks for any help offered.


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