Sorry people,
I didn't copy my reply to Greg to the list. Here's the list copy Begin forwarded message: Date: March 11, 2011 10:28:14 AM PST
Subject: Re: [gnuspeech-contact] GNUstep & gnuspeech
Hi Greg, We abandoned CVS a while back -- it is all in SVN now. The CVS repository really ought to be removed from the gnuspeech savannah site but it did not seem to be an option at the time. Warm regards. david On Mar 11, 2011, at 10:09 AM, Gregory Casamento wrote: As embarassing as this is... is there a branch you guys created for
building the GNUstep version because what's in CVS right now does not
build for me.
Any special instructions?
On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 8:00 PM, David Hill <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi Marcelo,
This is by way of a few comments on my initial experiences with "gnuspeech" under GNUstep.
I have done some more testing on the GNUstep version of gnuspeech "Synthesizer". There are more problems than I first thought, including the fact I can even crash the App by simply choosing a radio button at times (I found more than one example). I need to look at this carefully and sort out the problems. However, much of what was implemented for OS X works on the GNUstep version, the most notable omission being the spectrograph display for speech (but it display correctly for the test waveform input). The spectral cross-section in the analysis window seems to work as it is supposed to. Of course there are stubs for some of the secondary graphs which I have to flesh out in both versions. The "About" panel shows up without its content, but the content is available in its .pdf file. Perhaps GNUstep doesn't handle .pdf. I have to get more thoroughly into testing and start looking at it in the development environment.
Is there a good guide to working with the GNUstep IDE? (especially porting from Max OS X)
When I "openapp Monet" command it prints out a message near the start:
Monet [2431 ] Error: No audio output device is available.
Monet [2431] API OSS
Do I need to install OSS, even though I did install portaudio19-dev. I can synthesize to a file, and then listen to it using the Media player but cannot produce the output directly. Perhaps this is why. On subsequent invocations, the message did not appear.
Later, just after ", [2431] filename: /home/david/Library/Application/Support/GnuSpeech/pronunciations, db: 0x44e9df0, has been loaded: 1" it outputs:
Monet [2431] File NSData.m: 282. In readContentsOfFile read of file (/home/david) contents failed -t
Monet [2431] Error: Failed to load file (nil) (nil)
but it didn't seem to stop anything working.
When synthesizing the message:
Monet [3537] NSNumberFormatter-getObjectValue:forString ... not fully implemented
appeared -- presumably explaining the failure to output numbers on the display properly (many appear as "NaN")
Some font "not found" messages are output .
PreMo seems to work just fine using openapp, but a curious fact: I can fire up "Synthesizer" by double-clicking the App icon but I cannot do that with "Monet" or "PreMo".
I am impressed by how much of the project is ported and working. I am keen to get things to a state, as soon as possible, where I feel comfortable with a first official release, even if it is alpha or beta. Help anyone? Comments anyone?
Warm regards and thanks for any feedback.
gnuspeech-contact mailing list
Gregory Casamento - GNUstep Lead/Principal Consultant, OLC, Inc.
yahoo/skype: greg_casamento, aol: gjcasa
(240)274-9630 (Cell)