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[bug#72314] [PATCH 1/2] website: Redesign home page.

From: pelzflorian (Florian Pelz)
Subject: [bug#72314] [PATCH 1/2] website: Redesign home page.
Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2024 16:05:57 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

This is great work and a better explanation of Guix.  Thank you, Luis.

Some comments:

There are tab characters, which do not necessarily have the same width
in all editors.  I use in my .gitconfig file a modified pager command
that makes tabs visible and especially ugly:

        editor = emacs -nw
        pager = sed 's/\t/.ACHTUNGACHTUNGHIERISTEINTABSTOPP       /g' | less -R

This makes them easy to notice and avoid.  It is a bad default that
Emacs produces them.  Please untabify.  And if you use Emacs, in your
.emacs configuration file,

(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)

> -           ,(G_ (manual-link-yellow "define packages"
> -                                    (G_ "en")
> -                                    (G_ "Defining-Packages.html")))
> +         `(p
> +           "GNU Guix is a "
> +           ,(G_ (link-yellow #:label "package manager"
> +                             #:url (manual-devel-url "Package-Management.h=
> tml")))

For translatability, the manual-devel-url must be used like

,(G_ (link-yellow #:label "package manager"
                  #:language (G_ "en")
                  #:url (G_ (manual-devel-url "Package-Management.html"))))

so translators have a chance to reference non-"en" manuals and other
section names.

There also should be a TRANSLATORS comment before top-level G_ like

-       ;; TRANSLATORS: Package Management, Features and Using the
-       ;; Configuration System are section names in the English (en)
-       ;; manual.

> +           " for GNU/Linux systems. It is designed to give users "
> +           ,(G_ `(b "more control"))  ; TODO: Link to relevant documentati=
> on.
> +           " over their general purpose and specialized computing \


> […]
> +       (div
> +        ,(G_ '(h2 "Give Users Control"))
> +        ,(G_ '(p "Users can manage their own packages independently \
> +from each other, without superuser privileges."))

Please make clear this is about “users on the same machine”.

If you agree with these changes and noone else has comments, I can fix
the TRANSLATORS and untabify and then push to guix-artwork.

Great work; great design!


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