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Re: [Health] Connecting GNUHealth remotely via Android Application

From: Yusif Suleiman
Subject: Re: [Health] Connecting GNUHealth remotely via Android Application
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2023 20:54:05 +0000

Dear Luis,

From: Luis Falcon <>
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2023 12:30 AM
To: Yusif Suleiman <>
Cc: General GNU Health discussion and help <>
Subject: Re: [Health] Connecting GNUHealth remotely via Android Application
Dear Yusif

On Wed, 25 Jan 2023 22:59:43 +0000
Yusif Suleiman <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I introduced GNUHealth as a platform for hospital computerization to
> the Executive Secretary (ES), Primary Health Care Management Board
> (PHC), Kano state, early this month.

This are really good news. Congratulations, and we're looking forward
to welcome Kano state to the GNU Health family.

Thank you.

> I made a presentation to demonstrate the work flow of GNUHealth to
> the ES with his team members, the members were impressed with the
> presentation, and the ES promise his support and ordered for a
> feasibility report/study on how to pilot GNUHealth in one of their
> facilities.

> The Kano state PHC Management Board has a central Server located in
> the board complex, and they have developed a software for handling
> hospital equipments, drugs, and others (like monthly report), and the
> board has hundreds of facilities within the state, many of those
> facilities are located in remote area, therefore, Android devices are
> used for accessibility to communicate.

I think the GNU Health Federation and GH Thalamus are great for
distributed environments, as well as to areas with no reliable Internet
connectivity, where they can store the information locally and sync it
once the connectivity is back.

This is wondeful. So, if I understand the concept well, a client will be install on the computers or tablets in the remote sites/facilities, and once the device is connected to internet the data will be synchronize...

For this, I will share the Wikibook for the "Federation  Technical Guide" with the IT team of the Board.
Please, kindly share any useful resources that may guide IT team on this point.

> This week is about the fourth time I presented some of the features
> and functionality of GNUHealth to different stakeholders, including
> those in IT department.
> After the discussions, questions have raised and we come up with some
> possibilities and suggestions, some of which are below.
>   1.  How can GNUHealth database get access remotely (using internet).
You can use
>   2.  Any possibility for mobile access ( especially android
> application) because many facilities do not have computers, only
> mobile phone available.

For mobile devices, there are several options
1) MyGNUHealth PHR (only for medical / clinical / demographic
information). Today it runs on Linux libre phones. Moreover, we are
working with our friends from Vollaphone and upcoming release will be
android ready.

If "MyGNUHealth PHR" can run on Android it will be perfect, because over 90% of mobile devices are using android within those facilities.

2) GNU Health HMIS (using Tryton SAO webclient)
3) GH Federation Portal (under development)
>   3.  The possibility of integrating GNUHealth
> with that locally developed software.

GNU Health can interoperate with many different systems. This should
not be a problem as long as the locally developed software uses

I will discuss with the Director Planing of the Board on when to meet again, I hope you will be available to joint the next meeting.

> I hope this can lead to collaboration between the GNUHealth community
> and Kano state PHCMB
Looking to see the GH Community and Kano State cooperating!
For sure.

All the best


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