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bmenu for recentf (or abstracting-away bmenu)

From: Lockywolf
Subject: bmenu for recentf (or abstracting-away bmenu)
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2023 11:13:12 +0800
User-agent: mu4e 1.10.7; emacs 30.0.50

Dear Emacs Developers/Users

I want to have a buffer-menu for recent files, in a way similar to

In fact, the bmenu code in bookmarks.el is just about 700 lines, not
very huge, so I considered writing it myself. However, later I thought
that this would mean effectively duplicating a lot of code which might
happen to be useful in other packages too.

Are there some plans on creating a common bmenu library for Emacs?
Perhaps it could also integrate with the menu-bar mode somehow (which
would be less surprising for the users used to the Windows way of
self-discovery). Or maybe such a library already exists?

Your sincerely,
Vladimir Nikishkin (MiEr, lockywolf)

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