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Re: Remove Package from Gnome Meta-Package

From: Lee Thompson
Subject: Re: Remove Package from Gnome Meta-Package
Date: Mon, 03 Jun 2024 21:52:29 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

宋文武 <> writes:

> ```
> (define (exclude-some-packages lst)
>   (filter (lambda (pkg)
>             (not (memq pkg (list
>                             gnome-terminal
>                             gnome-user-docs
>                             gnome-maps))))
>           lst))
> (service gnome-desktop-service-type
>   (let ((cfg (gnome-desktop-configuration)))
>    (gnome-desktop-configuration
>     (core-services
>      (exclude-some-packages (gnome-desktop-configuration-core-services cfg)))
>     (shell
>      (exclude-some-packages (gnome-desktop-configuration-shell cfg)))
>     (utilities
>      (exclude-some-packages (gnome-desktop-configuration-utilities cfg)))
>     (extra-packages
>      (exclude-some-packages (gnome-desktop-configuration-utilities cfg))))))
> ```
Thank you this has been very helpful, in the end I adapted your code
like so:
(define (gnome-exclude-packages cfg . exclude)
  (let ((exclude-packages (λ (pkgs)
                            (remove (λ (pkg)
                                      (memq pkg exclude))
      (exclude-packages (gnome-desktop-configuration-core-services cfg)))
      (exclude-packages (gnome-desktop-configuration-shell cfg)))
      (exclude-packages (gnome-desktop-configuration-utilities cfg)))
      (exclude-packages (gnome-desktop-configuration-extra-packages cfg))))))

; ...

(service gnome-desktop-service-type
                           gnome-music epiphany cheese))

I wonder if this is the best or most elegant way of achieving this. I'm
interested to see what others think.

> Hope it helps.
Very much, it was a good opportunity to play around in the REPL and see
the data structures for myself which I must admit I was apprehensive
about. Many thanks.

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